Tuesday, August 14, 2012

{Gavin 3 Years}

Dear Gavin,

Today my baby boy turns three. Still in shock that it has been 36 months since you were placed in my arms...seems like just yesterday sometimes:)

We celebrated with all your friends and family all week long, and had a ton of fun. We wish your Cincinnati family was not so far away:(

You are as busy as ever these days, and man, oh man you have an opinion! You know what you want when you want it! You do not hesitate to tell us what you are thinking, that's for sure!

You are still sleeping and eating well...sometimes your naps have been only an hour, but you still wake up happy. Love to be outdoors and love to cook. We still read a million books a day.

You love everyone around you, but Ma holds a special place in your heart. You could care less about ANYthing if she is near, and you will drop ANYthing to be with her! You have the most fun at her house, and love to go over there for sleepovers. You really love your Ma!

Your BFF's continue to be Kaleb, KK, Nathan, and a new friend Gordon.

We continuously work on sharing, and you have good sharing days and bad sharing days. The biggest test is when Noah will come! We will see if you can share everything all day every day for a week!

We love you to pieces Gavie, and thank God each and every day you are here.


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