Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Summer Fun

Gavin took swim lessons for the last two weeks at our Cabana Club....I think I can call it a success, as he now does "ice cream scoop arms" and "rocket ship jumps" and "cannon-balls" in the water...he will blow bubbles and put his head under (more like the top of his lip goes under and he calls that "under" ;) I think most of coach Kelly's time was spent trying to convince Gavin to get back in the water, and do the lesson. He talked her ear off, and came up with every excuse for why he could not do certain things. "its too cold." "Davin already knows how to do that" "Davin will try that next year" "Davin wants to do it another way" OH MAN, poor Kelly! She definitely got her money's worth from this kid, that's for sure! On the last day, Gavin decided that he no longer wanted to do the lesson (after 5 minutes) so we let baby Austin have his first lesson by a professional. He loved it, and I bet Kelly loved not having her student talking back to her;)

We have also been hitting up the zoo quite a bit. The weather is so so nice and mild, perfect for any kind of activity.

We are SO SO SO excited for this month...Gavin's birthday, Austin's baptism, Cincinnati Ma and Papa get here, AND Pat and Noah come....we are looking forward to it all!

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