Sunday, June 26, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Kaleb!

Tonight we went to Kaleb's 2nd Birthday party. Kaleb is one of Gavin's good friends, and he lives just down the street. We have been hanging out with Kaleb and his momma (Lisa) quite a bit lately, and are always having so much fun. (G and Kaleb took swim lessons together when they were babies, that's how we met!) It turns out that Derek and Jim (Kaleb's Daddy) went to HS together at Saratoga!!! They were only a year apart, and played soccer together...Small world!

Kaleb's party was a ton of fun, and the boys enjoyed eating the food and of course cake...Kaleb took very neat bites of cake from the fork....Gavin? Both hands all in...:) The best part was when we were singing Happy Birthday. Kaleb just sat there with a HUGE grin on his face, looking around at everyone! So cute!!! Thanks Kaleb for such a fun time:)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Where there is water...

There is Gavin. We visit Parma park about twice a week because they have a huge sand area AND water area! Gavin spends most of the time trying to get in the middle of the water....We are loving summertime.

Words at 22 Months

Gavin is really blowing us away with all his words. We crack up every time he says some of these words...I love it that some of his favorites are such healthy ones...

Ask Gavin what goes inside his breakfast smoothie and he names all of the following:
Faxseed (Flaxseed)
Acai (Acai Juice)
Caaoot (Carrot Juice)
Pinach (Spinach)

Ask Gavin what he wants for lunch?
Bolani (Afghan food)

Ask Gavin how the cement mixer makes cement?
ROUND, ROUND, ROUND (With hand motions)

Ask Gavin if he wants to go potty?
Round, round, round (Again with motions)

Little Fish

G has been in swim lessons at Water Babies for 2 weeks now. He loves his lesson, and loves the "playtime" afterwards even more. After the first 2 lessons he is now able to go under water withOUT drinking all the water. He kicks his legs, and goes "Nunder" (under) like such a big boy! Teacher Stacy says that its rare that toddlers his age still keep their mouths open when they go under, but she is convinced that G just likes to "Taste" everything. (Duh!)

During the lesson, G will sit on the side of the pool, and then he will fall in the water to me. He holds on to my hands, and he goes all the way under...and comes up and shouts "Nunder! Nunder!!!" I am so proud of him! I am also learning that I am SO thankful that he has an appropriate fear of water! He plays well on the steps, and knows that if he walks too far, he cannot stand and he will go under without help. He is pretty good about staying safe on his own (Of course I am ALWAYS right there) but we sure have seen quite a few daredevils that can not be trusted for a split second! When Gavin see's these babies, he says "Silly baby, nunder!" because he thinks its funny:)

When we pull up to the swim school, Gavin yells "Audry!!!" over and over. Audry is he little girl that he has his lesson with, and she is 3. She is very good at swimming, and she will swim under water to her mom. Gavin LOVES to watch her...I think its good for him:)

Last but not least, Gavin always asks about "chicken nuggets" when we leave class. I made the mistake of stopping at Wendy's after his first class. The lesson is at 5pm, so by the time we get home its dinner time. We got chicken nuggets that first night, and Gavin ate SIX of them! He really loves chicken nuggets, and of course now he asks for it every time we go:)

Monday, June 20, 2011

G & Mannie

Today we had Hilary and Mannie (Madeleine) over for a play date at Grandmas house! It is SOOO warm, and we thought the kids would love to hang out in the pool. These two are all over the place, so it was tough to get any pics...this is after they both took naps inside (And Hilary and I laid in the sun!!!:) They are pretty cute together!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Saturday, June 18, 2011

22 Month Pics

Here is Gavin from the last week...My favorite one is him asleep on the couch with his paci and blankie:)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

{Gavin 22 Months}

Dear Gavie,

Today you turn 22 months old. So close to two...I am in shock! This last month has been so much fun, and you have had a great start to your summer. After our Hawaii trip, you associate all things water with "Hawaii" and ask to go to your "Hawaii Home" all the time. It is so sweet, and we hope we are able to go back next year!

Aside from our two trips the past few months, we have been very busy with lots of play dates and park dates. Our days are filled with lots of other toddler interaction, zoo trips, pool days at Grandma's, and time outside. You are starting swim lessons this week at Water babies, and I am sure you will love it!

You are such a funny little guy. You keep us so busy all day, never stop running. You vocabulary has Exploded and you now say anything and everything. We no longer need to say "Gavin, say Firetruck!" You will just say everything as we say it. Like a little parrot. You are saying 2 and 3 word sentences, and we can really understand now. If we don't understand what you are saying, you just come over to us, grab our leg, and PULL us towards what you want. You get the job done.

You continue to eat well. You continue to sleep well. We feel very blessed in these areas...never a concern for you!

You are also such a silly little guy. You have one of the most contagious laughs I have ever heard:) Just tonight you did something that your dad and I thought was pretty funny. We were playing at the playground at the school, and one of your favorite things to do is "Chase" your dad and I around. You tag us on the leg, and then run so fast! You and Dad were running around the playground, and you both kept going under the bridge. Your dad has to duck when he runs under it so he does not hit his head...after a few rounds we noticed that every time YOU ran under the bridge, you would duck too! It was so funny and cute! We laughed and laughed, so of course you knew it was funny:) You really do make us laugh all day long.

Gavin, we love you so much, and have SO much fun with you. There is never a dull moment, and you bring so much joy into our lives. We both cannot imagine life without you in it.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Favorite Words

For my record, I just wanted to write down some of G's favorite words lately. He talks sooo much now, and repeats everything, but he still has his favorites.

Here are some: Trash, meat, bulldozer, grass, Arnold, everybody, dirt, bucket, shovel, silly, around, have it, ambulance, blueberry, smoothie. This is just a FEW of them...I just think these are pretty funny:)

He says all of these words at least 100 times a day.

He has also started putting 3 words together, and its all making sense now! (Now I know what he wants:)

Friday, June 10, 2011

"Up, up, up!!!"

Gavin has 2 favorite words to tell us to do...."Up" and "Round." Round means he wants to spin around and around by his arms. Both Dad and I get very dizzy doing this, so we put a limit on his turns of "Round." The other thing he loves to do, is "Go up" with Daddy. Dad throws him up really high, and then catches him low to the ground. Makes me a little nervous, so I try not to watch too much;)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

This Face

I could look at this face all day long.

This face has so many expressions.

Sometimes this face means you are in trouble.

This face gets you out of trouble.

This face says so many things.

When anyone see's this face, they smile. 

I am the biggest fan of this face.

lining things up, hangers, and tent!

Gavin has started to love lining things up. He will make the worlds longest train now, and its so cute to watch. He also lines up toys and pretend food...look closely at the pictures of him by his dresser...his pretend brownies are all in a line on top of the dresser:)

The past few days I was really trying to clean out the master bedroom closet. We were not able to put stuff away in it, it was a disaster. While organizing, Gavin liked to help. He took all the hangers and "put them away" for me. Each room had hangers hanging from wherever they could. He made a huge hanger disaster area in our bedroom, and we could not even walk there were hangers everywhere. 

Last but not least is his REAL tent! He got this a year ago, and we found it in our mess of a closet! We opened the box and he was thrilled to get inside. I had to tell him over and over that its just for kids....that mom and dad can't get inside, because we are too big. So now he goes inside and yells "HIDE" meaning he wants to hide, and me to find him. I will walk around the house and say "Where is Gavin???" over and over. I will say "Is he under the bed???" and then I hear Gavin say "Noooooo" :) Then I say "Is he behind the couch???" and Gavin says "Noo" Its too cute:)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Finally some Sun!!!

It has been pretty yucky since we have been back from Hawaii...but not today! It was nice and warm we could get out the sprinklers! Oh, and I could not resist the naked butt shot:)

Poor Bubba

Today you fell and scraped your knee. You were so sad about it, but there was one thing to make you feel better. Soy ice cream sandwich!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


While in Hawaii, Gavin learned about tents. Now he loves to build them all the time. Our living room is usually one big tent, all day long. Here he is inviting me inside...he only likes to play in the tents if someone goes inside with him:) He says the word tent pretty well too!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Best Buds

Seriously, could these two boys be ANY cuter??? Gavin and Kekoa are best buds, and so darn cute together. We got to hang out with Kekoa right before we left for Hawaii, and then again soon after we got home...we just missed him too much! 

The first two were taken at Happy Hollow Zoo, where the boys were digging up dinosaur bones. We asked them to pose together, and they sat next to each other:) Melts my heart!

The last pic is from yesterday, when we met them at the Blossom Hill Park in Los Gatos. The boys had fun together, especially when they did "NO HANDS" on the swing! It was super cute! Kekoa taught this one to Gavin, and they were both smiling so big:) 

Friday, June 3, 2011

Mud On The Tires

When I see Gavin in this outfit I can't help but sing Brad Paisley's "Mud On The Tires" :) Gavin would do really well on a farm!