Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Camping at Mt. Madonna

Last weekend we went down to Mt. Madonna to go camping with the Hayden's and Draheim's. We had been planning to go camping ever since the last camping trip we had with Mountain School...we had so much fun!

We got some really great spots, all three next to each other so we could set up our group camp site. Lets just say that we were not camping, we were glamping. Jenny (Will's mom) is incredible...she had the entire camp set up before we even got there...table cloths, fruit baskets, fresh flowers...and best of all? Chris (Will's dad) set up a zip line, tree swing, and a hammock! It was insane. Of course all the boys had a blast! We had 6 boys under age 5, so it was wild and crazy, but they all had so much fun together. 

The road we were off of was paved, so the boys all had their bikes. The first evening they all went flying down a huge hill. Austin fell at the bottom, and scraped up his hands and got a pretty big laceration on his forehead. Thankfully his helmet protected him enough, but it was pretty yucky! After some tears, he was back at it! Of course I was a complete nervous wreck...first there is Gavin and James, flying down the hill as fast as they could, and then Austin would take a turn. Thankfully he didn't fall again, but I was so nervous. Guess its something I have to get used to with two boys!

We went on a really cool hike in the morning, to Henry Miller's summer estate, and got to see the ruins of his mansion. It was pretty neat. Of course the Mountain School boys did great on the hike, and were way ahead of us the entire time. 

The weather was perfect, pretty chilly at night, but it was nice to snuggle up in the blankets under the stars. We had bonfire going all the time, and had delicious food all weekend long. I'm certain the boys ate a billion marshmallows too. 

When the kids were all in bed, we would sit up late drinking and playing games. Perfect adult summer night. We were even asked by the ranger to keep the noise down at one point...Oops!

I still am in shock that Austin went zip lining! He is such a daredevil...just hopped on the seat, and took off. What a life...two years old and zip lining in the redwood forest. Not bad!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


These boys do not get to see the rain very much...I am not complaining, as our weather is amazing, but sometimes its nice to have rain. Finally after a long long time, it rained! It was 7am, but that did not stop us from playing out in the rain until it stopped. They were soaked in their jammies, having a blast. Even though it was VERY short (an hour) it was nice. Hopefully it rains some more.

My Austie

For almost the first two years of his life, I took a nap with him each day. It was one of my favorite times of the day, and I miss it so much. Every once in a while, he will need me to lay down with him, and stay until he falls of course I do. These are times that I will always remember. 

Now, his special thing he likes to do with me is kiss my lips, but only when my eyes are closed. I will close my eyes, put out my lips, and he will come over and plant a big one on me....then when I open my eyes, I am very "surprised" and he thinks this is the most hilarious thing in the world. I will keep pretending to be surprised my entire life if he continues this. Love it so much. 

Look at those eyes...and lips. He is amazing. 

(The nice big scrape on his head was from falling off his bike. He insisted on riding down a HUGE hill while camping, because the big boys were doing it. Got up, and said "Whoa!")

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Summer Movies

Morning Routine

Not only does Daddy wake up EVERY morning with you two, he also teaches you how to work out. All three of you do a workout from an app, and you both know all the positions and workouts. Its adorable to see. You are also both so much stronger than me! Push-ups? Wall sits? Sit ups? You do them all!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

4 hour naps

Must be have been taking 4 hour naps during the day! 11-3, and not a peep from you! You even skipped lunch because you would rather sleep! Then you wake up, eat a TON of food, and then dinner again at 5:30. PLUS you still go to bed at 8pm. Dream come true? Yes. You sure are:)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Chef Gavin

Not only does Gavin help cook most our meals, he now insists on "plating" our meals. He will have us all sit down, and then he will put our food on the plates, and serve them to us! Its incredible, and so sweet. We love it, and we all eat whatever he serves...he makes sure! This is grilled wild salmon, garden tomatoes, and brown rice with garlic tomatoes. Gavin's choices and plating!

House full of chefs!

Gavin making homemade chicken nuggets and Austin making veggie stir fry. These boys love to cook!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Gavin goes to CAMP!

Well, today Gavin is going to his first ever summer camp! M-F 9-1, all without me! I will be dropping him and Ari (his good pal) off at 9, and Ari's momma will pick them up. Works great, yet I am still nervous! 

This is the first time at Critter Camp. The kids get to have camp at Los Gatos Farms and ride horses, feed and take care of animals, and lots of other outdoor activities...

Austin was VERY sad that we had to leave after a few minutes...he says he wants to go to camp....not yet buddy, in a few years!

{Gavin 59 Months}

Dear Gavin,

In just one short month, you will turn five! I still can't believe my baby will be FIVE! You tell everyone you are "four and a half" and that half is very important. I keep explaining to you that you are actually almost five, but you like 4 and a half.

This summer has been a ton of fun and you are loving this warm pool weather. You are a complete fish, and you swim all by yourself now! No assistance from anything or anyone...just swim all over the place! We are so proud of you, and we are so happy we listened to you when you said you did not want to take swim lessons all those just were not ready! Now that you feel comfortable, you took off! While in Ohio, you jumped off the diving board a million times and swam to the side, all by yourself! Even the high dive! What a BIG boy you are...we are just so proud!

You can also be found doing a lot of cooking this summer...both inside and outside. You LOVE to cook, anything and anywhere. Your cooking skills are definitely improving, and you are now into "plating" the food for us. NO idea where you learned this! Your creations are actually quite delicious, and most of the time edible. Sometimes we save them for Daddy to try;)

You are still napping on most afternoons, for at least an hour or two. You go to bed at 8 and get up at 6 on the dot. You are actually up before 6, but not allowed to come out of your room until then;)

You continue to be a great eater, and I think you are around 46 pounds. You don't look heavy in the least, but oh my goodness, impossible to pick up! Solid!

You are in 5T clothes and NO MORE DIAPER DURING NAP TIME! You totally outgrew needing it for naps! We didn't really ever push it at all, just thought you would use them until you didn't need them anymore. About 6 months ago you asked when you could not wear a "nap diaper" anymore. We told you when you had three dry naps, we would be done....and after our trip to Ohio, you seemed to be done! You are always dry after nap and you are so proud of yourself. We are too. One day you will outgrow your nighttime diaper too, but we may have a while for that, who knows. We are totally fine just letting you lead the way.

You have summer camp today, your first one ever, and I am so nervous! Never have I left you more than a few days, and this is every day for 4 hours! Yikes!! Thankfully its with one of your Mountain School teachers, so that makes me less nervous....but its on a farm with LOTS of animals...and you are so excited!!!

Love you more than you will ever know---to the moon and back!


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Summer Fun

Gavin climbs to the top...not yet even five years old. Austin also tried to get to the top. If it was not always full up there, he would probably make it! 

We met up with my friend Patrice and her little boy Jeremiah and baby girl Nadia. I was able to sit in the shade and hold baby Nadia...heaven! Such a smily baby, and so favorite:)

{Austin 29 Months}

Dear Austin,

Almost two and a half! Since your bother tells people he is four and a half, you now say you are "two and a HAF!" Its adorable.

You are such a little sweet guy. Always curious about whats going on, and always willing to participate. You are full of joy, all of the time, and when you are not? We sure know it! You pout out your lips, and talk with pursed out lips...that's an Austie bad mood;)

You love to do anything and everything your brother does! You love legos, trains, cars, marble tracks, and magnet toys. You love to cook, ride bikes, and play in the sand and dirt. You say ANYthing we say, and you can be so funny.

Your speech has exploded. Talking all the time now. There are some words you say that we need to ask Gavin what they mean, but for the most part, we understand you. You still have speech therapy with Joyce about once a week, and you love it. She is in the middle of re-evaluating you to see if you need more therapy....since its been six months. You have more words than we can count, you are saying 2/3/4 word phrases, and you are able to express what you want and need...we are so proud!

You are still a fantastic sleeper...going to bed at 8pm, up at 6am, and napping from 12ish to 3ish. You LOVE your sleep, and most days you tell me when you want to nap...walk in your room on your own, get in bed, and get covered up. Then you call me and say "Night night momma!!" That's it! So easy! I still go in and snuggle with love that, and SO do I:)

You eat eat eat, all day long. About ever other hour you require something, and still eat three to four meals a day. Always eating.

We all love you so so much, and enjoy every day with you!

Love you ALWAYS-

Monday, July 7, 2014

Pool Boys

Now we have two fish. Austin just LOVES to be in the pool, and he has a routine. He swims, gets out and lays in the sun while having a snack, then swims some more...repeat. Oh, and he never wears a swimsuit. Ever. Gavin just swims the entire time!

Sunday, July 6, 2014


Today we went down to the animal shelter, and rescued a kitten! Meet Mikey! He was a little bit shy at first, but as soon as you pick him up, he won't stop crazy! The boys were SO excited to pick him out, and thrilled that we got to bring him home!!! Welcome to the family Mikey! Hopefully soon you will warm up to the loud boys, because they are SO excited to play with you and hold you!!!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July!

Every 4th of July we head down to the Rose Garden for the Rose, White and Blue Parade. This year, we decided to go to the beginning of the parade instead of the end, to watch. Genius! There was a TON of shade for us to sit in, and the boys brought their bikes to ride around the school next to us, and the street before the parade started. The boys really loved it this year, because they could see it all! No crowds blocking their view, and Daddy did not need to put them both on his shoulders the whole time. Perfect. Plus Ry and Pieces (Reese, her nickname is pieces...adorable to hear Austin say). 

The boys got their ice cream from the vendor walking by, and they were set. They especially loved the police cars, fire trucks, farm vehicles, and animals. Oh and SANTA! Poor Austin remembered Santa was there last year (how? I didn't remember!) and he pretty much shook as Santa went by. (Austie has a big Santa fear)

Great 4th parade!!!

After the boys napped, we headed to Ma and Papa's to celebrate the 4th AND Great Uncle Glenn's 79th Birthday! The boys swam and we had a nice dinner prepared by Pa. 

We got home at 8pm, and Austin had to go to sleep, he was so so tired. Then Gavin and Daddy got to go to Lake Almaden fireworks at 9! It was a stretch to keep G up, but he was determined. They had a ton of fun, and Momma even managed to watch our very own neighborhood show from the patio. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Got to see my Girls!

I was so glad that we got to go over and see Rachel and Mimi while we were in town. I used to nanny for these girls for about 4 years, and I watched them grow up...I started watching them when Rachel was about 8 months old! They are the sweetest girls you would ever kind, polite, and so good with the boys. I am so proud of who they have become. They had a huge fort built out of chairs, blankets and couches in the basement...and the boys thought that was so so neat!

Bedtime stories with "Ant A-Ka"

For two nights in a row, Austin got to have bedtime stories read to him from his favorite Aunt. He was thrilled to show off all he knows about the trucks, trains and automobiles. Such a special time.