Sunday, July 31, 2011

"Davin's" Words at 23.5 months

Gavin has been so funny lately. He just talks and talks all day long, and repeats eny word in the world. He has started stringing together sentances, and I am sure there are a million different ones. He knows when he is saying something funny, and he laughs and laughs all day long. He has started this fake little laugh, where he tries so hard to laugh, and it sounds so funny! Some of his sentances are just a little bossy, and others are very polite. He has started regularly using "Pease" and "Tankyou" before and after his words...and it seems like if he REALLY wants something, he just throws a please afterwards, and he knows he will get it! Here are just a few that I can favorite is when he is proud of himself when he does something, he tells himself "Good job Davin!"
"Gavin do it"
"No, Dada do it please"
"Mama over there"
"Dada sit here Davin!"
"Go away!"
"Good job Davin!"
"Outside mama an Davin please"
"Just peepee, no poopoo"
"Oh Lord!"
"Oh my goodness"
"Bugs in bugcatcher"
"Davin get dressed an outside now"
"Booboo owie, all better"
"Wash hair, lots bubbles wow!"
"Silly Davin, so funny!"
"Ma's house Papa Shadow water"

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Last day with baby Noah

We did a ton of fun things this past week with Pat, Eva and Noah. Gavin is just in love with his little cousin, and treated him so well. Gavin was only jealous of Noah when "Ma" held him, and Gavin would say "Baby Noah back momma!" (He wanted me to hold baby Noah, NOT Ma!) Haha!

Both these boys love their paci's. I thought Gavin would get jealous that baby Noah got to have his paci throughout the day (G only gets it in his crib at nap and bedtime) but Gavin did just great! Every time he spotted Noah's paci, he would grab it and then stick it in Noah's was so sweet. We sure will miss them!!!

Can't wait to see everyone else in Cincinnati in a few weeks:)

Friday, July 22, 2011

A day at the beach

Today we took Uncle Pat, Eva, and Noah to one of our favorite beaches. We have not been in a long time, so it was pretty fun for everyone!

We started the day off by heading out the door by 9am, and driving to the city of Capitola. We walked around the shops, and then headed for the beach. Gavin ran around like a total wild man, and baby Noah took a nap in the sunshine. 

After Capitola, we drove over to Seacliff Beach, and brought a big picnic lunch. We played in the sand, and then water. It was pretty chilly, but that did not stop anyone (except me) from getting in! (Someone had to watch the boys) Gavin had sand everywhere, and was running into the water full speed. He got knocked over a few times, and then the wave carried him out a little by the water...Freaked momma out, but Dad was RIGHT there and grabbed did not phase him at all...did it over and over. After G got all sandy and wet, he wanted his swimsuit off. He hates to be wet, and if ANY of his clothes are wet, they must come off..asap. (Apparently I was just like this at his age) So naked he was. Uncle Pat, Dada, Eva, and Gavin all made a giant hole in the sand, and they buried Uncle Pat in the sand. Around 2pm, both boys were pretty tired, so we gave them their paci's and covered them up with some clothes, and said night-night. They were both out! It was soo cute to see! (I was shocked that Gav just closed his eyes and went to sleep;) They slept in the shade, with the ocean waves in the background for a few hours...and we all laid in the sun...(and got some nice sunburns as well;( 

We ended the day with a nice drive home, and then we all got dressed and walked down the street to meet Danny, Angie, and KK at Mexico Lindo...we stopped at the park afterwards, and Gavin got to climb a tree with Uncle Pat...Monkey was in heaven!


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Uncle Pat, Eva, and baby Noah are here!

Today Uncle Pat, Eva, and baby Noah got here. Gavin has been in absolute heaven ever since. He does roll call for everyone each hour, and goes to find them when he does not see them. He ADORES Uncle Pat, is so sweet with Eva, and of course is so good with "my baby Noah." 

We played out in the sunshine, ran around the sprinklers, and loved on baby Noah all afternoon. Gavin has been showing off all his toys and he even picked some to share with baby Noah. (Although since Noah wants to put everything in his mouth, so does G!)

We are so excited to spend the week with them!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Gavin the Helper

Gavin is always such a great help around the house. Some of his favorite things to help with include cook (of any kind...and he samples Everything!), mow the grass, edge the yard, clean the cat litter out (I know), cut the bushes, water the garden, weed (Yes, the child can recognize a weed ANYwhere, and he knows to pull them...only embarrassing when we are in someone ELSE'S yard, and he yells "Weed!" and then runs to pull it), and I am sure there are many this rate he will be able to mow the grass on his own in a few years! (And I hope the love for changing cat litter keeps up too;)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

{Gavin 23 Months}

Dear Gavie,

Today is the countdown to your second birthday...I am no longer in shock that you will be two, as you completely act like a 2 year old! You talk so much now, and we can have nice little conversations with you, and KNOW what you are talking about! It is so fun to watch you learn to talk, and you try to say just about everything.

Some common phrases around here are:
"Dada do it"
"Gavin help please"
"Dada work ALL DAY!"
"Dada home Gavin"
"Mama doctor"
"Gavin Ma's house Shadow Papa"

As you can see, you would like your dada to be home with you more often, momma has been to quite a few doctor appointments, and you have spent a LOT of time at "Ma's" house with Papa and Shadow. We are so thankful for your Ma and Papa...we don't know what we would do without them! (Your smile could not be any bigger when you talk about them:)

You now tell us what you want for your meals, what you want to wear, where to go and where to sit, and you tell us how to do things. We are working very hard on asking, and also please and thank you. Please is only said if we ask you to say it, but hopefully soon it will kick in!

You are becoming less and less easily distracted. If you do not get your way, you are no longer able to be distracted with words...only sometimes...You are learning how to throw little tantrums...they are not full on tantrums, just stand there and cry...and when you realize that you are totally ignored, you cry harder until you get bored. Two's are here before we knew it!

You eat all day, no changes there. You sleep great, no changes there. You show more and more interest in the potty, but never go in it. You just sit there and pretend. You tell us when you poop, and also when it is "Just peepee." We will say "Gavin did you go poopoo?" and you will say, "No, just pee-pee...Silly Mommy!"

Since I am not feeling my best lately, the pictures and blog posts have suffered. I know I will get back into the swing of things when I feel better, but right now, I feel pretty yucky and I am sorry. You are starting to understand about my belly. Yes, it is sticking out a little bit, and you notice. When we are wrestling or rolling around on the ground, you LOVE to stand on top of me...but you know now you cannot stand on my belly...after many times telling you. Just today, you jumped on my back, and I groaned, "Oh Gavin you are so heavy!" and you came around, lifted up my shirt, and said "Gentle baby" as you rubbed my belly. It was pretty know that there is a reason mommy needs you to be gentle when you are STANDING on top of me!

We are super excited for Uncle Pat, Eva, and baby Noah to get here this week. We got down a bunch of baby stuff for Noah, and you are thrilled to "Put baby Noah IN IT!" (car seat, bumbo seat, stroller) I am sure I will get a lot of pics when they are here!

In less than a month our little monkey will be two! Time to start planning the big day!

Love you little man,

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Gavin's BIG News!!!

Gavin is going to be a BIG BROTHER!!! Go check out the details at our new blog for baby #2:)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July~!

Today we had a great family day. We started off by heading over to Los Gatos for their 4th celebration. Last year Gavin was IN love with the firetrucks, and we thought he might enjoy it again. Think again. He took one look at them and said "Bull-do???" (Bulldozer) Hmmm. Nope, unfortunately the 4th of July celebration did not include any bulldozers...until we started walking, and what did we find? Bulldozers! There happened to be some construction right behind the celebration, so we spent most of out time looking at the 3 big bulldozers. Then we walked up to the square where the big water fountain was. We were early, so G go to play with some other kids and wait for the fountain to come on. We headed home before lunch, and decided to water all the plants because it was WAYY too hot! 

After a great nap (We all napped:) we packed up the wagon and walked over to a block party a few blocks away. We stopped to meet Kaleb and his parents along the way, and headed to the party with the boys in their wagons. The block party was on Karie Ann Way, where a friend of mine from work lives. It was soo nice of them to invite us, it really was a ton of fun for the kids AND adults! They live on a cult-de-sac where Everyone has small kids! It was great! Toys, food, bounce houses, and decorations everywhere! Gavin and Kaleb spent a LOT of time in the bounce house, and the rest of the time eating and riding in motorized cars. Yep, Gavin got to ride in the parade with a little girl named Ella. She took him all over the street, and then gave him a turn driving. She ended up having to do the gas with her foot, but he sure did the steering! 

We finally walked back home about 7:30, just enough time for a big bath, and then Gavin was OUT! Derek and I were able to sit outside and see fireworks that were happening at that same block party...Derek even got up on the roof to see if he could see the SJ Giants fireworks, but the trees were in the way...and the best part? Gavin NEVER woke up from all the noise! (Last year he woke up a million times) :)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Pre 4th of July WaterDate

Tonight the McCulloch's had us over for was HOT out so most of the night was spent in the water and with popsicles! KK and G played in the sprinklers, we all went in the hot tub, and then they had a bath together. My favorite was the hot tub, because it was not hot at all! Danny turned down the temp so we could enjoy it...perfect for a hot night!

We had "Hot Gogs" as Gavin calls them, and I made a Paula Dean potato salad. The dads had way too much to drink (as usual:) and the toddlers had a blast together. When we were leaving KK gave me the BIGGEST hug, and would NOT let go! She held on to my neck so tight....such a little love with me. Thanks for all the pics Angie:)