Thursday, July 14, 2011

{Gavin 23 Months}

Dear Gavie,

Today is the countdown to your second birthday...I am no longer in shock that you will be two, as you completely act like a 2 year old! You talk so much now, and we can have nice little conversations with you, and KNOW what you are talking about! It is so fun to watch you learn to talk, and you try to say just about everything.

Some common phrases around here are:
"Dada do it"
"Gavin help please"
"Dada work ALL DAY!"
"Dada home Gavin"
"Mama doctor"
"Gavin Ma's house Shadow Papa"

As you can see, you would like your dada to be home with you more often, momma has been to quite a few doctor appointments, and you have spent a LOT of time at "Ma's" house with Papa and Shadow. We are so thankful for your Ma and Papa...we don't know what we would do without them! (Your smile could not be any bigger when you talk about them:)

You now tell us what you want for your meals, what you want to wear, where to go and where to sit, and you tell us how to do things. We are working very hard on asking, and also please and thank you. Please is only said if we ask you to say it, but hopefully soon it will kick in!

You are becoming less and less easily distracted. If you do not get your way, you are no longer able to be distracted with words...only sometimes...You are learning how to throw little tantrums...they are not full on tantrums, just stand there and cry...and when you realize that you are totally ignored, you cry harder until you get bored. Two's are here before we knew it!

You eat all day, no changes there. You sleep great, no changes there. You show more and more interest in the potty, but never go in it. You just sit there and pretend. You tell us when you poop, and also when it is "Just peepee." We will say "Gavin did you go poopoo?" and you will say, "No, just pee-pee...Silly Mommy!"

Since I am not feeling my best lately, the pictures and blog posts have suffered. I know I will get back into the swing of things when I feel better, but right now, I feel pretty yucky and I am sorry. You are starting to understand about my belly. Yes, it is sticking out a little bit, and you notice. When we are wrestling or rolling around on the ground, you LOVE to stand on top of me...but you know now you cannot stand on my belly...after many times telling you. Just today, you jumped on my back, and I groaned, "Oh Gavin you are so heavy!" and you came around, lifted up my shirt, and said "Gentle baby" as you rubbed my belly. It was pretty know that there is a reason mommy needs you to be gentle when you are STANDING on top of me!

We are super excited for Uncle Pat, Eva, and baby Noah to get here this week. We got down a bunch of baby stuff for Noah, and you are thrilled to "Put baby Noah IN IT!" (car seat, bumbo seat, stroller) I am sure I will get a lot of pics when they are here!

In less than a month our little monkey will be two! Time to start planning the big day!

Love you little man,

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