Sunday, July 31, 2011

"Davin's" Words at 23.5 months

Gavin has been so funny lately. He just talks and talks all day long, and repeats eny word in the world. He has started stringing together sentances, and I am sure there are a million different ones. He knows when he is saying something funny, and he laughs and laughs all day long. He has started this fake little laugh, where he tries so hard to laugh, and it sounds so funny! Some of his sentances are just a little bossy, and others are very polite. He has started regularly using "Pease" and "Tankyou" before and after his words...and it seems like if he REALLY wants something, he just throws a please afterwards, and he knows he will get it! Here are just a few that I can favorite is when he is proud of himself when he does something, he tells himself "Good job Davin!"
"Gavin do it"
"No, Dada do it please"
"Mama over there"
"Dada sit here Davin!"
"Go away!"
"Good job Davin!"
"Outside mama an Davin please"
"Just peepee, no poopoo"
"Oh Lord!"
"Oh my goodness"
"Bugs in bugcatcher"
"Davin get dressed an outside now"
"Booboo owie, all better"
"Wash hair, lots bubbles wow!"
"Silly Davin, so funny!"
"Ma's house Papa Shadow water"

1 comment:

  1. I was just about to write an almost identical post! I love all of their little phrases :)
