Thursday, March 31, 2011

California Dude

This morning Gavin got to go to Grandma's house for the first swim of the season! It was a high of 80 degrees today, so finally Gavin got to play in the water! He asks to go in the "wa-wa" 400 times a day, no matter where we are. If he hears the word or sees any sort of water, he will then say it non-stop.

This was the first time since Gavin was a very little baby that he wore a HAT! I always bring hats with us, but he never lets me put them on....until today. It mush have been the bright sun. Then, since the pool water was freezing, Grandma got Gavin a wet suit! Gavin put on the wetsuit, and was in heaven. Walking all around the pool, getting in the waterfall, and then he got in one step of the pool....figured out that the water was pretty cold, and got back out. His favorite part was the new bucket of water toys Grandma got...walked around and poured water on everything. He looked so cute walking around like a little California dude:)

I sat in the lounge chair and watched him play...taking advantage of the sun on my very pale body. When Gavin was done playing he wanted his wetsuit off, and then sat in the chair just like mommy! Except when I sat there I was not naked like California Dude!

Thanks "Ma" for the fun morning!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cooking with Gavin = 1/2 tub of butter GONE!

Today Gavin helped me cook in the kitchen. Gavin spends about 90% of the time when he is home up on his learning tower. He LOVES this thing, and what he gets to do while he stands there. He helps cook every. single. meal. Even when we are not eating, he prefers to be up in his tower pretending to cook.

Today we were cooking grilled cheese on the stove, and Gavin helped "Buu-uu" the bread (Butter). Gavin loves to help with the butter because he knows he gets a butter knife to help with. I usually let him play with the food for a bit while we are cooking. I had to wash something in the sink, and turned around to find that half of the tub of butter was in his mouth. He usually just licks little bits... He had a big cheesy grin on his face, and then said "Mmmmm." Hmmm. Apparently I had the same love of butter when I was a he got this one from me!

Look what I did!

This was taken after Gavin came running in the house screaming with excitement...I let him play in the garage while I made lunch. He was thrilled that he got the bag of cat food down, and then got to play with the cans. The joy of being a toddler!

Monday, March 28, 2011

"Mow" with Dad

One of Gavin's favorite activities to do with Dad is mow the lawn. Gavin says "Mow" about 30 times a day, and loves to use his lawn mower while Dad uses the big one. He helps Dad empty the grass in the bin, and then helps sweet up the grass on the sidewalk. He does not stop smiling the entire heaven.

This weeks updates

-The past few days Gavin has been taking an almost 3 hour nap. The boy must be growing. Last week at his doctor appointment he was almost 27lbs. That's why my back hurts.

-Gavin cried at the park yesterday (threw a tantrum) because he could not have someone else's sand shovel. While he was crying to me, he was telling me "Push, pusssshhhhh, push" meaning he wanted to push the boy! HAHA able to verbalize his frustrations...good work!

-Bedtime has been different the past 7 days...Last Monday I asked Gavin if he was ready for bed, and then proceeded to put him in his bed without nursing. He normally would have been upset, but that was not the case! He laid down in his crib, and went to sleep. Gavin is officially weaned!

-We have 2 big trips planned in the next few months. In April we will be going to Ohio for Easter. We are thrilled to see everyone, and meet baby Noah. Oh, and I am so happy Gavin will get to have an Easter egg hunt with his cousins. Next, in May, we are going to HAWAII! Gavin and I have both never been, so we are super excited about the Moore Family Hawaii trip!

-Gavin's sleeping habits are more than perfect right now. Just when we decided to do a bunch of traveling! Fingers crossed that since he is a big boy now, the traveling may get easier:)

-I can't wait to hold my new nephew. And kiss his cheeks. And smell his new baby smell:)

-Gavin pee'd on the kitchen floor today while I was showering. I swear he is supervised all the time. Just minus the time I need a quick shower. While I shower I call his name every 30 seconds to see what he is doing....I think it usually keeps him out of trouble. When I call for him he comes running to the bathroom to tell me what he is doing....usually nothing, just talks about his toys. Well, today he came running to me and was VERY concerned about something. He immediately ran off, shouting about his concern. I got out of the shower, and went to see what he was doing. He was standing in front of the puddle of pee, yelling "MESSSSS." I said "Oh no" and then GAVIN HANDED ME A TOWEL! Little stinker.

-Gavin says "ShhhDow" when we go to Grandma's house now. Shadow and Gavin are friends...Well, Shadow knows Gavin will give him like 20 treats, so Shadow is always gentle with Gavin. The treats make up for the rough "gentle" pets!

-Today, the ENTIRE day, it has been SUNNY! We have had rain and cold weather for the last few weeks....We have missed our sunshine! G and I spent most of the morning outside, and will continue to do so when he wakes up. Seriously, we are going on 3 hours now.

-Gavin's sandbox got filled with water from one of the storms last week. So Daddy and Gavin emptied the water, and each day, we take the sand out and spread it across the concrete to dry. Sounds stupid, but Gavin LOVES this kind of activity, and I have been getting a workout. We both win.

-I just thought about this today. Gavin NEVER poops while he is sleeping/in his crib. We have not had to get up to change a diaper in probably over a year. I am thankful there have never been any yucky diaper mishaps! (Fingers crossed, I remember a certain little girl I used to babysit for would get IN her poopy diaper and PLAY with it. haha)

-That's all the updates for now:)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Neighbor Night...Toddler Love

Tonight we went to Danny and Angie's for neighbor night dinner! We try to get together with them and John and Stacy once a week. It sometimes happens, and sometimes not. Just depends on how busy we all are. Tonight it was Enchilada and margarita night, YUM!

I am still so amazed at how great Gavin and Kaylin were tonight. Not that they are ever bad together, its just that they actually played with each other, and got along so well. We think they get along so well because of the 5 month age gap....? Anyways, we seriously just let them play by themselves, and we had drinks....and they just ran around:) After the delicious dinner, the babies took a bath. KK LOVES bath time so much...and now she says "Baaa" for bath. So in they went. Kaylin has always been a big tub splasher, and Gavin just watches Kaylin go crazy. Well, tonight Gavin wanted in on the fun, and imitated the way Kaylin was splashing. OH my, Angie and I were both all wet from the monkeys. These two looked nuts! Next year, Gavin and Kaylin will have another friend in the tub....Stacy is due with her first baby this summer. A boy! 

When we were getting ready to leave, Gavin gave everyone a "kiss" (Head butt) and then KK and G kissed and hugged. Seriously, SOO cute! I swear, if these two date one day, we will have soo many pics to show when it started!!! (Hope Danny is not reading this!)

Thank you for the great night guys:)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Down By The Station!

Today Gavin got to play with his new train table!!! Over the weekend I was able to find a great deal on a table. I bought it off craigslist, and it was right down the street. When we got the table home we noticed that the top of it was scratched and the plastic was coming up in a few I looked online and fount that the KidKraft will send you a free replacement part! So today the new top came, and it was no charge! Can't beat that deal:)

Tonight Grandma Dayle brought over an ENTIRE Brio train set!!! It was Derek's when he was a little boy! The set is huge and in perfect condition. Each part was in its original box, and Gavin was thrilled. He sang "Choo-Choo" for about 2 hours.

When Daddy got home from work, they worked on it together. It was so cute. I need to find a picture of Derek playing with this set 30 years ago!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Yep, another Gavin word! "Spiss" is Gavin's way of saying splits. As of tonight, he LOVES to do the spits. He thinks it is sooo funny to walk up to you, tell you "Spiss" and then attempt it. He actually does pretty well, until he falls over from laughing so hard!


This is how Gavin says doctor. It is pretty cute! Today was ALL about doctors.

Little history. For the past 3 days Gavin has had a pretty bad eczema flare up. It was all over his arms and then stomach and side. Derek and I had no idea what it was many choices as the child eats everything. We were sure it could not be food, but could it?

So today we went to the pediatrician to see what she thought. She said it was just eczema, and that we should go see the allergist to be sure. She was able to get us in to the pediatric allergist late this afternoon too! So after G's nap, we headed to the next doctor. 

I really liked the allergist. She was very nice, GREAT with Gavin, and very knowledgeable. We talked a lot, and then decided to test Gavin for some allergies. He got his skin pricked with 30 different allergens. (It was pretty quick, and he only cried for a second) I promised him some candy afterwards....he has no idea what that meant, but as soon as he saw the Nerds package, he knew! (Thanks GRANDMA Podie for buying Gavin a huge bag of Nerds while you were here!) He ate his nerds, one at a time, and totally forgot about the skin pricks. We waited for them to "react" and then saw the doctor again to go over the results. 

They were NEGATIVE!!!!! Gavin was not allergic to anything!!! Thank God, I was so thankful. We discussed the treatment plan for his eczema for now, and got some cream to put on after his bath. We talked all about allergies and a lot about Gavin's diet. One thing she mentioned is that it sounded like Gavin eats a LOT of fruit. Fresh AND dried. She said fruit is wonderful, but some of the fruits he eats a lot of can sometimes be aggravating to the skin. (Blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries) So she mentioned that we may want to only eat berries in moderation. HAHA, she does not know that Gavin does not really understand moderation (I know, that's my job;)

We ended the appointment with her giving me a TON of information on everything, and a lot of websites I can look at. I told her that I was involved with some research studies at work, and research is very interesting to me. She gave me lots of articles....and I can't wait to read up on them:)

Overall, it was a GREAT day. Not only was Gavin an absolute angel at the doctors office ALL day, but he does not have any allergies. For this we are so thankful! We are also thankful that we now have Kaiser, and this appointment was only a co-pay!!!

You never know, he may love medicine one day. One of his favorite things to do is listen to my stomach, heart, and lungs with my stethoscope. We think he makes a great "Doc-Da!" 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Proud Momma

I really really still can't believe that I was able to nurse Gavin for 19 months. Looking back, I did not think it would work out for even 2 months. I always knew that we would do whatever worked for us. If that meant breastfeeding, then that's what I would do. If it meant formula, than that would be OK as well. In the end, love is all a baby needs. I never ever thought badly of other mothers who formula fed their babies. That is their choice, and there is nothing wrong with it. Even though I knew that it would all work out no matter what, I still had a very strong desire to breastfeed. Everyone knows this, as my mom always tells the story about how I used to nurse my baby dolls;)

In the beginning, and all throughout, I have really wanted to nurse Gavin so he could get all the benefits that breastfeeding and breast milk provide. When he was just 5 days old, and my milk had not come in yet, I thought for sure that breastfeeding just was not in my cards. Then things slowly started working. Then another set back, mastitis, two times. Then under supply. Then oversupply. Breastfeeding was NOTHING that I thought it would be, and it was very hard for me. I remember calling my sister, Erica, and telling her that I was going to give up. It was way too hard, and I was so sick of it not working. She told me the best advice in the world, and it was "Don't give up, I promise it will be worth it....Just keep trying" So I did. Then the milk protein allergy came up with Gavin, and that was another huge setback. BUT this time, I was ready to face it head on, and continue to work hard. I had already dealt with a lot of issues with breastfeeding, what was the big deal with cutting dairy out of my diet? So again, we got through it, and by the time Gavin was 4 months old, I was loving it. He was too. Nursing my baby was all I ever thought it would be...lots of learning and challenges, but worth every second.

From then on, I had cut out dairy from my diet, and we were both happy and satisfied. I had also cut back my hours dramatically at work, and I know that helped a lot. My supply was perfect for him, and I had a lot less anxiety about being away from him, and pumping all day at work. I don't care who disagrees with me, I still stand by the fact that working and breastfeeding a baby is a very challenging thing, one of the hardest things I have ever done. It is the hardest job, and I am so very proud of some of my family and friends who are able to do it. It is tough, yet so rewarding.

At about 13/14 months, I slowly introduced dairy to my diet, and Gavin tolerated it very well. At 17 months he was able to eat anything he wanted! I am so very thankful for this...we never had to do any testing, he was able to outgrow it, just as we hoped.

Gavin has also been able to self wean himself from nursing. He is now officially down to one nursing a day (right before bed). Although it does make me a little sad, it also feels so right. So natural. I finally feel like I can write this post, because I know that the end to this is coming soon. And that's OK:)

Looking back, I am really proud of myself. Proud of Gavin. Proud of my husband for being so supportive. I am also very thankful for my family and friends who helped me along this journey. This experience has been a blessing in each and every way:)

One day Gavin is going to have a sibling (No I am not pregnant) and I hope I will be this fortunate again as I am already looking forward to it:)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Last day in Palm Springs

Today was our last day in Palm Springs. We decided to go to the Childrens Museum about 20 minutes away. It was a really cute little museum, and there was a pretty big toddler area. Gavin spent most of the time in the market and then with the balls. 

We ended the day with Dad when he got off work, and had a nice dinner at the local diner next to the hotel. We sat outside for all our meals this nice! 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Downtown Palm Springs

Today after the Zoo, Gavin and I headed back to the hotel, dropped off the car, and walked downtown for some lunch. We stayed right in the heart of Palm Springs, so it was so nice to just walk out the door and have so much to do and see.

We walked over to CPK (California Pizza Kitchen) because I knew it would be fast, and they have a kids meal Gavin loves. Whole grain pasta with butter and a glass of milk. He was set! We sat outside on a bench and people watched...well, I thought we would. People ended up watching Gavin....people would walk by and Gavin would talk to them, then they would stop and admire the cute little boy. Oh, and he also was showing off his monkey skills by hanging on a bar:)

As we were walking home, we walked by Ben & Jerry's and Gavin took a turn for the shop. It smelled soo good! (He walked everywhere by himself all weekend...holding hands) He walked right up to the counter and said "Yummmmm." Haha! So we sampled a few, and then decided on a chocolate brownie one. I don't think Gavin cared which one we had, he loved them all. We sat down, he had a crowd of course, and then I told them all that this was his first time having ice cream....Oh the gasps! Then people were taking pictures as well! A few seconds in to the treat, I dug my spoon in to share. Gavin pushed my hand away and said his famous phrase. "No, no, no." Hmm really Gavin? I told him he needed to share, so he did share, but he sure ate fast after that!

The Living Desert Zoo

Today Gavin and I headed down to Desert Springs to go to the Zoo. It was about a 30 minute drive, and Gavin fell asleep on the way. I ended up driving pretty slow, and just taking in all the beautiful views. It was just so pretty!

Once we got to the zoo, he woke up and we were off. Right when we walked in, we met with someone who worked there, and she showed us all the places G would like. We did not make it 5 feet before we hit the model train. Oh my this was the biggest and best model train I have EVER seen! This thing was huge, and so so neat. It went on for a 10 minute walk!!! Gavin was in heaven. He was squealing "CHOO-CHOO" at the top of his lungs. Then he saw the trucks...and cars...and planes. Seriously, he did not stop smiling the whole time. I knew eventually we would have to go see some of the animals...but we spent about an hour at the trains!

Then we were off to see the animals. We saw the camels, giraffes (we got to FEED!), pigs, goats, wild dogs, elephants, and lots of other animals.

I am really not a fan of petting zoos, in fact, I despise them. But, Gavin learned early on that his daddy does not despise them, and he was able to pet the goats with his daddy at our zoo. So, today I decided that we could. The lady who worked there saw me be a little hesitant, and she went on to explain to me why this petting area with the goats is very safe. First of all they do not let you feed the goats so there is no yucky saliva all over. Second, the BEST part, there were 4 zookeepers inside the area to sweep up the poop. That's where my fears are (ECOLI!) so once I saw that there was no goat poo all over, we headed in. (If a goat went potty, they swept it up RIGHT away) Gavin is so gentle and sweet with the goats. He walked up and pet each one. When he got to the baby he squealed "BAAAYYY" and then gave it a hug. It was so sweet. The baby was only a few months old, and it had to be taken from its momma because it liked to nurse so much. I thought that was so sad, but then the zookeeper told me that in the wild they will nurse for a few years, but in captivity it becomes a problem...the other young goats see it, and then everyone starts nursing from the mom! Poor thing! They said she lost a TON of weight, and needed to gain it back.

Next was the Leopards. We walked up to the exhibit, and Gavin ran to the glass window. Immediately a zookeeper yelled to me to grab him and pick him up. I thought she was nuts, there was a HUGE very thick glass in front of us. As soon as I looked in I realized why. The leopard was in the corner, crouched down and wiggling her butt, just like cats do when they are about to pounce. OH MY LORD, this leopard thought small little Gavin was lunch!!! Just as I realized that's what was going on, I picked Gavin up, and when I looked up the leopard was right in front of us!!! The zookeeper was right...she tried to get Gavin! (there was no way to get him really...they just want to discourage the leopard from pouncing towards the glass) Still scary!

On the way out we stopped by the train again. This time it was for 20 minutes. I had to peel Gavin away....his eyes were closing as he was watching the trains...

We had a GREAT time at the Desert Zoo!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Day in Palm Springs!

Today Derek, Gavin and I headed to Pal Springs for 4 days! Derek has to go for a business trip, and we thought that it would be fun if Gavin and I went with him. I had never been to southern California (I know!) so it was my and Gavin's first time. 

We got here this afternoon, and checked in to the very fancy Zoso Hotel downtown Palm Springs. It is 80 degrees, and sunny. Oh, and the views, they are breathtaking! We are in the middle of the desert with gorgeous mountains surrounding us on all sides. They are so pretty!

Right after we checked in, we headed out to walk around downtown. Gavin was a great traveler this morning...the flight was only an hour, and there was no time change....perfect vacation! 

After walking around, we ended up at the Italian restaurant right outside the hotel. We sat on the patio and enjoyed a very yummy pizza and some ice cold beers. Gavin has already charmed everyone we have met:)

Palm Springs reminds me a LOT of what Florida is like. Lots of old people, like a retirement community. There are tons of younger people too....some families (traveling like us) but LOTS of old people. Of course, Gavin has already made a lot of friends. The old people really like him, and he turns on the charm with them:) Right before dinner we met a little lady who really reminded me of Grandma "DB." I could picture Grandma and Grandpa "DB" here with their friends....especially on St. Patrick's Day!!! (All dressed up of course!)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Naked TV Boy

Gavin has become obsessed with "books" lately. Yes, he does love to read, but he also calls DVD's "book". We are not sure why, and we keep correcting him. Maybe because he carry's around the case, and that looks like a book? Haha!

He asks for his "Book" right after we eat now. He has been really good about eating meals with us, and NO DVD. Then when he is done eating, he will get to watch some after dinner. It is a Baby Genius DVD, where they count to 10 a million times. He points and says all the animals. He LOVES it. Obsessed.

Oh, and thats a cookie in his hands and mouth. Another thing he is obsessed with!

As for why the slip cover is off the couch??? Yep, he pee'd on it. (And then runs to you to tell you "MESS!!!") Think we would learn our lesson? Nope!

2 Monkeys

Kekoa came over for a playdate today. Gavin pretty much just followed him around and wanted to play with whatever Kekoa was playing with. Typical toddler behavior, right? Then the 2 monkeys sat on the sit-n-spin together. Pretty cute!

Monday, March 14, 2011

{Gavin 19 Months}

Dear Gav,

Wow, really? I cannot believe that I totally forgot about your 19 month post! Oops! I am not sure where the time went!

So anyways, we have been pretty busy around here, and I think it is due to the fact that we cannot get anything done with you around! You are always on the go, and a lot of work!

With that said, we also want you to know how much joy you bring into our lives. We are always smiling and laughing around here. You are so silly, and have such a beautiful personality. You are wild and also very affectionate. We just love you to pieces.

Sorry this was not long, but you are napping, and that means some rest for this tired momma!!

Love you little monkey:)

Momma and Dadda

Goofy Gavy

Gavin has turned into such a goof lately. He thinks its soo funny to push his stroller with his blankie on his head. He knows where he is going, and just walks slowly...and if he runs into a wall, he redirects the other way. What a goof! He also thinks its just hilarious when we hurt ourselves, trip, or fall over. He falls to the ground laughing. Another favorite lately is hide-n-seek. He LOVES to find you, and SCREAMS with laughter. He has not figured out how to hide himself yet....we are working on it. Oh, and he is so extremely fast that we have to sit him on the chair or couch right before we run to hide...or else he will catch us before we get to the hiding spot. (He is a pro at getting down from chairs and happens before you can even blink) He obviously has not mastered the "counting to 10" before he comes to find us!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Baby Noah

Today I became and aunt again! Patrick and Eva welcomed a beautiful baby boy very early this morning. Noah Jeffrey Gunderson. He is ADORABLE! I have seen pictures (very few!) and I am already in love with his chubby cheeks and open mouth. He is so sweet. Both he and mom are doing well. I will post pictures as soon as I get some.

This is the first nephew that I will not get to see as a newborn. I am very upset about that, and kind of depressed. I know, I know, I am VERY thankful that he is here, and of course healthy! That is all that is important, but I still want to meet him and be in Cincinnati right now! I was there for Griffin's birth, and I was there when Annabel came home from the hospital...and it KILLS me not to be there to meet Noah! Deep breaths!

Gavin and I are going to plan a trip back to Ohio sometimes this spring or early summer. The next month is too busy with work, so its not possible. We are hoping for May or June. If I can hold out that long!

I am so thankful that Pat, Eva, and baby Noah are doing well. I can rest tonight knowing that he is here and healthy!

Welcome to the world sweet baby Noah! Auntie Michele and cousin Gavin will give you LOTS of kisses soon!

Gavin Lately

Oh this boy is such a handful. This is one of his favorite things to do...cook in the kitchen. All day long, he gets up on his learning tower and "helps" in the kitchen. He is always cooking "Pas--aaa" (pasta) in pots with water and real pasta. This entertains him for a very long time. He also helps us make whatever we are cooking, and he ends up eating most of what he cooks. 

Gav just got a haircut. I think it makes him look so old! 

Gavin has been blowing us away with how much he is eating lately. Well, he has always been a great eater, but recently he must be going through a growth spurt. He eats such enormous quantities...its pretty amazing. I guess it makes sense since Derek and I both eat a lot:)

Gavin has been sleeping so great. He sleeps about 11 hours straight, we do not hear a thing. Then he has been napping for 2-3 hours in the afternoon. It is wonderful. We are loving it. Now we need to train ourselves to sleep past 5am...since we have been getting up at 5 for almost a year!

Gavy has been talking up a storm. He imitates a lot of what he hears, and if he can't say it, he just says "Oh". He has so many new words, I have not been good at keeping up with his words...Every time I go to write one down, I try to remember all the words that are new (for that day) and then I just give up. I will do more detailed "Gavin talk" in his 19mo post. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What happens when Momma showers...

I usually shower at night. Or when Dad is home. Why? Little monkey is pretty unpredictable. This was actually quite peaceful knowing that I could shower longer because he was happy playing. Usually I shower so fast because there is silence, and that's never good!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Today Gavin found a bug on the way to the park. A ladybug. He picked it up and put it in the wagon with him, and talked to it the whole wagon ride to the park. Once we got there, Gavin would not move from the wagon...he was scared his "bug" would leave. It was very cute to see him with his little pet bug...He kept telling everyone that walked by that he had a "BUG!!!" Gavin knows I do not really like any bugs, but I feel like I need to suck it up, and pretend that they do not freak me out...for his sake. I may pick up ladybugs or ants, but Gavin already knows that I will NOT touch a spider!!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Learning Tower

If there is one thing Gavin could do all day long, it would be "cook" in the kitchen! This boy LOVES to help cook, do dishes, and prepare food. He is always wanting to help, and that involves us holding him while we cook so he can see and help out. Pulling up a chair does not really help, he is too much of a monkey, and can't seem to stay on the chair. 

Daddy only worked a half day today (Because I still feel like poop, and Gavin woke up with a fever). When he got home, Gavin and Dad worked on the Tower! This thing is pretty much a really fancy step stool, and SO much more:) First of all, he can't fall off it, because he is trapped inside. He can climb in and out of it by himself, and he has already spent 45 minutes helping with the dishes. 

The bonus about this thing is that it turns into a lemonade stand, puppet theater, fort, and an art easel! It came with all of the attachments too! It has only been a few hours, and this thing is already worth EVERY penny!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Real Monkey Gavin

Here is my proof that Gavin really is a monkey. And daredevil!!! This afternoon while folding laundry, I asked G to help me put away his pants. He brought them over to his dresser, and put them away in the bottom drawer. (Or threw them around the room, and put one pair away) Then he climbed in and stood inside. He does this all the time, no big deal. I continued to fold away.

A few minutes had passed, and he was pretty quiet. I looked in at him and he was standing on the higher edge of the drawer, as if he was trying to get to the top of the dresser. He stood and thought very hard for a few seconds, and then opened the middle drawer, and climbed up inside it, and then to the TOP! Seriously, in a matter of 10 seconds, he was all the way to the top. I was in shock at how smart he was for figuring out how to use the drawers as steps, and I was also in shock that he can now climb to the top of his dresser! Of course I ran right up to him to be able to catch him if he fell, but he did just fine! No slips, like a real little monkey!

The last pics are of him reading one of his favorite books, the baby Bible! He LOVES all the animals inside, and loves to find all the “Bugs” (Ants, flies, and rodents). After story time it was time for a nap.  I know we have been pretty lucky to have made it this far without him climbing out of his crib….I am sure it will be soon!

G's Stroller

While Grandma was in town, we discovered that Gavin LOVED to push around baby strollers. We would go to the toy store and Gavin would push around a pink stroller the entire time. We wanted to buy him one, but of course they only come in a set, with all the other baby stuff that he does not care about. The set was over $50, so we thought we would try to find it that weekend at a garage sale. 

At the last sale we went to that weekend, we found one! It was pink, but that was fine! We explained to the family that was having the sale that it was for my son...and they said they had a BLUE stroller too! HA! So 50cents later we had a little blue stroller for G!

Ever since then Gavin has been in love with his stroller:) He pushes it around all night long, and loves to give his snacks a ride. He does NOT like to push a baby (He throws it out) or a stuffed animal. He prefers either food or milk. :) Last night he thought he would try to sit in it himself. It was a tight squeeze, but he fit!  

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rainy Day

This is just too cute! Gavin and his raincoat and rain boots. I had to stop taking pictures because once he discovers the mud hill, it gets VERY messy! 

Today we went to Carters because we needed to get some new onsies...Gavin has officially outgrown his 18mo ones, and is in a 2T!!! Last night we could not even snap the 18mo ones was time:) I gave in and bought these boots for him...he LOVES to play in the water, and since it is still chilly and wet out, we thought it was a good idea. Plus he would not take them off once he tried them on!

The past few days I have been sick with a yucky cold, so we have been hanging low. Thank God for Grandma Dayle, she kept Gavin all day yesterday and this morning so I could rest. What in the world would I do without her??? Thank you so much Dayle!!!