I really really still can't believe that I was able to nurse Gavin for 19 months. Looking back, I did not think it would work out for even 2 months. I always knew that we would do whatever worked for us. If that meant breastfeeding, then that's what I would do. If it meant formula, than that would be OK as well. In the end, love is all a baby needs. I never ever thought badly of other mothers who formula fed their babies. That is their choice, and there is nothing wrong with it. Even though I knew that it would all work out no matter what, I still had a very strong desire to breastfeed. Everyone knows this, as my mom always tells the story about how I used to nurse my baby dolls;)
In the beginning, and all throughout, I have really wanted to nurse Gavin so he could get all the benefits that breastfeeding and breast milk provide. When he was just 5 days old, and my milk had not come in yet, I thought for sure that breastfeeding just was not in my cards. Then things slowly started working. Then another set back, mastitis, two times. Then under supply. Then oversupply. Breastfeeding was NOTHING that I thought it would be, and it was very hard for me. I remember calling my sister, Erica, and telling her that I was going to give up. It was way too hard, and I was so sick of it not working. She told me the best advice in the world, and it was "Don't give up, I promise it will be worth it....Just keep trying" So I did. Then the milk protein allergy came up with Gavin, and that was another huge setback. BUT this time, I was ready to face it head on, and continue to work hard. I had already dealt with a lot of issues with breastfeeding, what was the big deal with cutting dairy out of my diet? So again, we got through it, and by the time Gavin was 4 months old, I was loving it. He was too. Nursing my baby was all I ever thought it would be...lots of learning and challenges, but worth every second.
From then on, I had cut out dairy from my diet, and we were both happy and satisfied. I had also cut back my hours dramatically at work, and I know that helped a lot. My supply was perfect for him, and I had a lot less anxiety about being away from him, and pumping all day at work. I don't care who disagrees with me, I still stand by the fact that working and breastfeeding a baby is a very challenging thing, one of the hardest things I have ever done. It is the hardest job, and I am so very proud of some of my family and friends who are able to do it. It is tough, yet so rewarding.
At about 13/14 months, I slowly introduced dairy to my diet, and Gavin tolerated it very well. At 17 months he was able to eat anything he wanted! I am so very thankful for this...we never had to do any testing, he was able to outgrow it, just as we hoped.
Gavin has also been able to self wean himself from nursing. He is now officially down to one nursing a day (right before bed). Although it does make me a little sad, it also feels so right. So natural. I finally feel like I can write this post, because I know that the end to this is coming soon. And that's OK:)
Looking back, I am really proud of myself. Proud of Gavin. Proud of my husband for being so supportive. I am also very thankful for my family and friends who helped me along this journey. This experience has been a blessing in each and every way:)
One day Gavin is going to have a sibling (No I am not pregnant) and I hope I will be this fortunate again as I am already looking forward to it:)
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