Friday, January 20, 2012

He will kill me one day for this....

Could not resist. Gavin was drawing by himself this morning, and I was not paying too much attention because I was in the kitchen...I walked in to see him removing his clothes and drawing all over himself. I sat quietly and watched as he named each body part he was coloring...when I said "Ahem!" he looked at me and said "Davin accidentally found the markers mama!!!" Haha! What he meant was that he accidentally drew on Himself! The markers are always out....

10 minutes later while we were getting ready for school, he came running out of the bathroom after going potty "all by himself" shouting that his peepee in the toilet was blue....Hmm, any guesses why? Like I said, he will kill me one day when he see's this. (at least I blurred out some of the pic:)

G & KK

From a few weeks ago...KK came over to was right after nap, so G was naturally watching his afternoon show...Curious George of course! Here they are enjoying a snack together! 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Thank you MA!

Gavin was surprised today when the Fed Ex guy delivered a package! It was a brand new art easel from Ma and Papa! Gavin is SUPER into all things art lately, and LOVES to paint, draw, and of course Ma got him his first easel:) 

This is the morning after he got it, when daddy was home to help put it together...yes, curtains are closed because its only 6am! Gavin had the MOST fun with the was everywhere.

Later in the say Gavin was able to make some beautiful artwork outside with his new tools!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

{Gavin 29 Months}

Dear Gavie,

Today you turn 29 months old. In just a few short weeks you will be a big brother. We already know that you are the best big brother by the way you treat baby in my belly. You talk to him, kiss him, hug him, give him your blankie when he is cold, give him toys, and tell people about him. You also love to lift up my shirt to show everyone the nice;)

We have been preparing you as much as we can for the baby to get have your own baby, baby Henry, and you get him dressed and change his diaper. You comfort him when he is sad, and then you will throw him across the room. Oh well. Its a start.

You know that the guest room is baby's room, and you like to see his "tiny tiny diapers!" You have even helped me organize your books and pick out ones that we can give to really are a sweet little guy!

Here is what you have been up to lately. Since Momma is off her feet a lot, you spend a LOT of time with Ma and Dada. Ma comes almost every day to play with you, and you also have friends who come over for LOTS of play dates. We are so lucky to have them all in our life. You are getting a LOT better with sharing your toys at home...we never used to have a lot of people here...we used to be out at parks and such, but now you are learning to share...most of the time!

You spend a lot of time outside these the back yard. How lucky we are to have such a great place for you. There is the trampoline, sandbox, playhouse, picnic table, and of course the mud pit on the side of the house! (not to mention a billion toys!) You are very much into pretend play right now, and love to cook for us with sand and mud.

When inside you are usually playing in your kitchen! Either the "real" kitchen, aka my sink or your little kitchen in your room. Cooking for people is what you do! All we need to do is give you some stuff to cook with (dry beans, marbles, fake food, tin foil) and you are set! As for the real kitchen, you help yourself to food, and make "big soup" most of the time. We do not dare eat don't either!

Your love of books grows each and every day. Curious George, Dr. Seuss, and Brown Bear Brown Bear are your favorites. You have 2 CG books that have about 8 stories each...and you prefer to read as many as we will allow! You will sit for an hour at a time just reading with us. You concentrate so much, and you know the stories by heart.

You continue to watch 2 episodes of Curious George a day. Once in the very early morning and once while dinner is being cooked. You know those are the only 2 times, but you sure ask for more than that! You are not into much else on TV...we try to put on Preschool Prep DVD's and you are bored pretty quickly.

Your favorite thing to talk about is counting to 10 and the ABC's. You recite them both all day long, and mix them all up too. "ABCDEF78912345XYZ NEXT TIME WONT YOU SING WITH DAVIN!!!!" Its pretty funny. You know how to count to 10, but you always leave out the 7. You can say the entire alphabet, but sometimes leave out 1 or 2 letters.

You talk, talk, talk. ALL the time. You say please and thank you all the time now, and it is so cute! You are so good at saying please and thank you that you correct US when we don't say it!!! Just last night I asked you to get a book from your bookshelf...and you said "Ask NICELY MOMMA! Say PLEASE to be nice!" HAHA Oops! I said "I'm sorry, Gavin can you please get me your book?" and you looked at me, smiled and nodded, and got the book. Then you said "Thats better" HAHAHA Oh my you sure listen to us, and now you tell us what we tell you! Such a smartie!

Your sleeping has been cut a little short lately. You are still a great sleeper, take naps and sleep through the night, but you are getting up earlier and earlier. One reason is you have been going #2 in your nighttime diaper first thing when you wake then take of your PJ's AND diaper, and come to our room to show us....Hmmm...and its usually 5am. We need to get you on a different potty schedule! Most days, you will curl up next to Daddy and go back to sleep for an hour or both love this!

Potty training is still great...not much to say! You have had a few "just a little bit pee-pee" accidents lately, and its always when you are busy playing outside. When it happens, Daddy and I look at each other and say, "Oh my gosh, when was the last time he went potty???" Hahaha because you are SO good about it, we forget to even ask you. You will go 4-6 hrs without going, and then just run to the bathroom and go, flush, and that's that! You are Mr. independent these days!

Eating habits. Still the same. Eat all the time. Meal, snack, meal, snack, snack, snack, meal meal....on and on and on. Your favorite these days is "breakfast pie" made by daddy (Egg/swiss chard tart). You will eat 3 slices of this for breakfast!!! (I LOVE that you like this...its the only way to get green veggies in you!) You also love chicken, cheese, quesadillas, soy hot dogs, smoothies, bolani(afghan food), pasta, rice, waffles, pb&j, any kind of nuts, dried fruits, carrot juice, milk, and ANY sort of sweets! You ask for "Dirt" every night (Dessert) and we all know where you got that from!!! Oops!

Gav we are so proud of the little boy you are becoming, and how sweet you are to everyone you meet. We spend out days smiling and laughing with you, and you brings so much joy. We love you more than you will ever know.

Momma & Daddy

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Someone is getting new teeth!

Either that or he is entering his terrible two's! AHHHH

I really do think the lack of sleep and biting/chewing on EVERYTHING lately is due to the 2/3yr molars coming in...seriously chewing on ANY fabric he can get his mouth on....sleeves, blankie, MY shirt, whatever!

Gav has been taking very short naps, and very cranky in the evenings....It might also be because we are cooped up in this house for so many hours, that he gets sick of it! I sure do too.

Poor guy has been very snuggly and wants to cuddle in bed and "read SOO MANY books" with us. He probably gets me, Daddy, and Ma to each read him about 10-20 stories a day! I swear this kid LOVES to read books!

Or he is growing. Who knows! BUT the good thing is that he has been so healthy the past few weeks! No colds, snotty nose, or anything! That's what happens when you don't leave the house!

It will probably end tomorrow as he has school...and EVERYONE at school is usually sick...for some reason people don't keep their kids home when they are sick...we will see.

Fingers crossed that he can stay healthy, and get these darn teeth so he is in a better mood in the evenings!