Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Oh how Gavin is changing so much each and every day! I wanted to write down a few new things he is doing at almost 8 and a half months.

He now makes a smacking sound with his lips and mouth when he is hungry or wants something to eat. As soon as I start imitating him, he does it even more and more until he gets some food:)

He crawls around and pulls up on everything, and now can open all cabinets and drawers...Now he knows that there is stuff in them he goes straight to them all the time. We don't yet have childproof locks on them...I just moved all the harmful stuff/stuff he can't have to higher places...We might cave soon and just get locks!

Gavin now eats lots of finger foods, and will want anything we are eating. He has still has mostly fruits and veggies (raw and cooked) and rice/oatmeal/quinoa. His new favorites are raw celery sticks and carrot sticks. I thought it was because it felt good on his gums, but after today I realized that it is because he is eating them! I looked down and we was holding onto 2 celery strings...ate the entire stick! He also loves apples too...I just peel it and give him a big piece, and 3o minutes later it is gone! I have given him little bits of bread here and there and also turkey...he loves these too:) We still have yet to find a food he does NOT like. Hehe:)

Gavin seems to be a lot louder now too. He babbles "babababaBABABAbababa" all the time. I swear, this baby is SO loud! When he is happy he is loud, and when he is mad he is even louder! We went to story time today at the library and Gavin was ALL OVER THE PLACE! All the other babies sit in their mom's lap and look up at the librarian who sings. Every once in a while a baby will move a little, but for the most part they stay put. Oh no, NOT Gavin!!! He is all over everyone and everything! The librarian always says to let the babies do what they want, so I do! Gavin is crawling up to each and every mom and baby/toddler in the room, smiling and pulling himself up on them...and makes his way around the room (his eyes still making sure I am there EVERY minute or so). He will also try to eat others snacks or pacifiers too...so I have to be close by when I see this. Oh, and if there is a cord (to the CD player or anything plugged in) or cell phone within a 20 foot radius then Gavin makes a b line for it...::sigh:: This baby keeps me on my feet!

Gavin now crawls up to his toy box (or toy bin in living room) and will pick out a toy to play with. He will pull it out and drop it on the floor, then plop down on his bottom to play with it! I don't know why, but I was so amazed when I saw this today!

This is all very exciting, but I still get a little sad that my BABY is turning into such a big boy SO fast! Day to day he does something new and different, and I get sad that he is growing up so fast:( Soo that's why I write this down, because before I know it, he is on to a new thing, and I don't wanna forget these things!

After entering Gavin in the Parents Magazine Cutest Kid Cover contest:

Me-"Seriously, Derek. Look. Look how freaking cute Gavin is." (While looking at Gavin's picture next to ALL the other babies pictures)
Derek-"I know. Yes. He is really cute."
Me-"I mean, seriously, look at him. I mean, I don't want to sound mean, but these other babies are not NEARLY as cute as Gavin. Really. They are not. I mean LOOK!"
Derek-"Yeah. I know. You are right, Huh, he IS SO cute. But babe, do you think we are a little biased???"
Me-"Hmm, Yeah maybe, but LOOK HOW ADORABLE he is!"

Monday, April 26, 2010

New Toys + New Kitchen?

We had a pretty busy weekend here at the Moore household! Derek and I decided that we want to remodel our kitchen. This idea came up about a year ago, but I was pregnant and we thought we better wait until we had the baby and our finances were not too different! Ha, little did we know how much harder this would be NOW with a 8 month old baby! Our kitchen is functional, but less and less with a baby. One of the walls is open shelf storage for all our kitchen stuff...and that's NO GOOD with a crawling baby who gets in to EVERYTHING!

We went out and designed our new kitchen, picked out the cabinets, granite, travertine floors, and all the rest that we would need. We got estimates of how much the materials would cost, and then Derek would do all the work himself. This is a pretty big project, but I have no doubt that Derek would do a fantastic job, as he always does with home improvement projects. Now we just need to decide some final details...Oh the thought of a beautiful new kitchen :)

Now on to more important things....here is the little man with his new toys! I found these at a garage sale (the alphabet mat and doggie seat), and $5 later Gavin has been entertained for hours!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Never out of sight

I snapped this pic the other night when Derek was outside grilling our dinner, and G was watching...He follows Derek everywhere and always has a huge grin on his face when he see's his daddy:)

Avocado Baby

Gavin got this book in the mail the other day from his Grandma Dayle...It is just perfect for Gavin! It is a story about a little baby boy who grows up very strong after his mom starts feeding him mashed Avocado! Ha! JUST like our strong little Gavin;)

Thanks Grandma Dayle:)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Poop Story

Warning-Do not continue reading if you don't want to hear about Gavin's poop...remember, this is my blog, where I journal about what is going on in our lives....because I want to look back and remember this stuff...AND laugh:)

Yesterday morning, while Gavin and I were in my bedroom, he has his first poopy accident. I know, I know, you are probably thinking "Why was your 8 month old son naked?" Well, when I changed his poopy diaper just 15 minutes prior, his bottom was a little red, so I thought he should air out.

Anyways, we were in my room, Gavin with a naked butt, and me trying to make the bed and get dressed. There is only so much that will keep him occupied in our room. The window, chair, and Arnold are three things he likes to play with. I know, again you are thinking "Why doesn't she give him some toys!" but I swear that he no longer has any interest in his toys! So I am in the bathroom getting dressed and then I remembered the sheets needed to be put on the bed. I knew Gavin was by the window "playing" with my breast pump. I put the sheets on and then realized I heard him making this funny growling noise, one that he does when he is really really concentrating. So I look around the bed and find him staring, drooling and growling at his POOP! ON THE CARPET! Thank God he was not touching it, just staring at it intently and growling. I just had to laugh and laugh. It was pretty funny!

I called Derek in to see, and when he got there he said "Who did that, Arnold or Gavin???"



Some numbers I can count:

4-AM, the time you wake up in the morning.
3-solid food meals you eat in one day.
6-how many times you nurse.
7-PM, when you go to bed.
1-bath a day.
19.5-how many pounds you are.
8-AM, usually when you go down for your first nap.
1-at lease one outing a day.
5-wet diapers a day.
1-at least one accident a day while you are naked.
2-outfits a day.
5-bib's a day.
2-teeth you have.

Some numbers I cannot even begin to count:

-times you try to eat cords.
-times you make us smile:)
-times you fuss or "tell" me you would like me to pick you up.
-times you try to eat grass, leaves, or dirt.
-times someone tells me how adorable you are.
-times you smile so big.
-times you really dislike being on the changing table.
-times you giggle.
-times you crawl from one end of the house to the other.
-times you try to eat Arnold.
-times you make me the happiest mom in the world:)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

{Gavin 8 Months}

Dear Gavin,

Today you are 8 months old. EIGHT MONTHS!!! I cannot believe that I am typing these words. I feel like you were just a few days old...How time flies! These past 8 months have been so much fun, and it has been so amazing watching you grow into the little baby boy that you are! I get very excited to watch you enter into new phases, like crawling all around, but I also get a little sad because my baby is growing up! I am glad I have been able to keep this journal of everything that is going on because it really helps me to live in the moment and remember everything you are doing. I don't want to take one single day for granted.

Here are some things about you at 8 months {in a nutshell}:

You have been crawling all over the place, and keeping us VERY busy! You get into everything, and always seem to want what you can't have. You sure keep me on my feet all day! You have a million smiles and also a million facial expressions that I know you inherited from me. You may not look a lot like me, but you sure can give a face! You are very smart and know how to get what you want. You usually (OK, all the time) get what you want from me, because I can't resist the cry. I am a push-over, your Daddy says so. You love your time at night with your Dad, he helps you learn new things...like pulling up on furniture, opening cabinets, and chasing the kitty around. You love when your grandma comes over...you get some very loving one on one attention the whole time she is here...she is your best friend:) We keep pretty busy all the time, as you do not like to sit still...at all! We go on playdates, to the park, to the library, to swim class, and on lots of walks. You are usually pretty happy...but you have also started to really teethe (you have 2) so these past few days you have been pretty grumpy! Poor baby:( You have started blowing raspberries and making lots of noises with your mouth...you are quite vocal! You love to eat...and now you LOVE Avocado's...maybe a little too much. Your Mom and Dad made the mistake of giving them to you a lot, because you love them, now that's all you will eat:)

This list could go on and on...You make your Dad and I so very happy, we can't imagine our life without you in it. We love you baby Gavin:)

Love Always,
Mom and Dad

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


First boo-boo, first taste of whole carrots, first time doing taxes:)

Monday, April 12, 2010


I thought I would give an update about how life has been since I have been working part time. It has been one month and I can't even begin to describe how much better I feel. Being able to be home with Gavin more has been a dream come true...it really has. I used to work 12 days a month (full time, 12 hr shifts) and the last month I worked 6 days...a HUGE difference! I don't feel like all I do is pump, clean bottles, clean the house, and try to sleep anymore! I have the time and energy to do what I need around the house AND spend time with Gavin. I feel like I am so much more organized and MUCH happier. OF COURSE I could not be doing this without my amazing and very supportive husband. Seriously, he is just so great...and I know how lucky I am to be doing this. I have been actually looking forward to going to work, and feel like I am able to do a very good job when I am there. I no longer resent my work, and I no longer get upset every time I go to work. I still do however get pretty emotional when I take care of very sick babies in a lot of pain. I still picture my baby in the bed...::sigh::...and try to imagine what these families are going through. Sometimes I think that having my own baby makes me a better nurse. I am able to imagine and see first hand what they are going through and the emotions they are feeling...but I am unable to understand...no one is able to understand unless they are in that position. ANYways, the point is that I feel refreshed and like I am able to be a better nurse to the sick babies and children.

On the home front...things are pretty much falling into a routine around here. Most days I am home with G and we have lots of activities planned. Lots of playdates, and LOTS of parkdates. Derek usually gets home from work around 5 and immediately takes G because G is so excited to see his Dad. I will then finish up cooking dinner and we will sit down as a family for dinner. Of course it is at 6pm....just like we did growing up:) We eat dinner and feed G dinner at the same time. Then Derek and G play together while I clean up. Derek gives G a bath and then I breastfeed him and he falls asleep for the night at 7pm. Then Derek and I have some time to spend together. I go to bed pretty early, I am usually exhausted:)

On the days I work (mostly weekends) things go a lot different. Derek is home with G and I leave for work at 6:20am. I get up with G at 4am to feed him and sometimes he goes back to bed. If he stays awake and wants to play, Derek takes him so I can sleep one more hour. Derek and G spend the day together (Grandma usually comes over to play too) and then Derek gives him his bath and bottle and puts him down for bed before I get home. Then Derek cooks dinner and has it ready for us at 8pm when I get home. How sweet, right? :) We have dinner and Derek cleans up while I shower and pump one last time. I think I am pretty lucky to have a husband who does all this...really lucky:)

If I work on a weekday, then Grandma Dayle comes over to watch Gavin. They have a lot of fun together and Grandma takes AMAZING care of Gavin...I am pretty sure we are the luckiest family in the world to have her help us out! Gavin gets a lot of love and attention from Grandma...he just adores her:)

On a different note, tonight at dinner Gavin had his first taste of meat! I bought some organic free range chicken at the market today and baked it. I then pureed it with a yam (he loves yams!). He took about 10 bites with a funny face and then turned his head:) I was happy he even tried it! I froze the rest, so we will try again every few days. Gavin HAS really been loving his avocado's! He east about one a day:) We just cut them in half and give him the avocado with a spoon...right from the shell:) He eats it ALL and sometimes wants more.

I will take pics soon and post:)

Friday, April 9, 2010

The only one

The first day of swim class, Gavin was the only one who shivered. The entire time. He was the only one...and the swim teacher kept giving him attention about it...so he was pretty much the most popular baby during the swim class. And he knew it.

Today, the second swim class, Gavin was the only one who actually LOVED to go under water...all because he got to DRINK the water. Yep, my child likes to drink all the pool water he can. All the other babies were shocked, terrified, choking, gagging, and a few even vomited after they inhaled too much water...Nope, not Gavin! He was a little stunned, but wanted to do it again and again because he knew he could get a big gulp to swallow. Hmm. So yet again, the teacher just loved that G loved to go under...and she was giving him a lot of attention.

With all the attention he gets, I can just picture him being the class clown...:)

Sorry there are no pictures again...Just imagine Gavin's stinkin cute grin while head bobbing for pool water:)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Gavin and his GF

We got to spend the afternoon with Hilary and baby Madeleine today:) They came over and we took a nice walk (So us mommies could have $tarbucks) and then we went to the park. Gavin taught Madeleine how to go on the swing for the first time...and she loved it! Then we sat in the sun and played for a bit. We talked about how we hope it gets warm enough soon for the pool:)

Warm Sunshine

Spring is finally here! The past few days have been warm and sunny...no more rain. Gavin has been living in his onsies because I have yet to get out his summer clothes. I will do that soon, I just don't want to jinx the great weather! We have been busy every day of the week around here. We meet at least 3 times a week with my Las Madres group (Mom's group)...and G gets to play with a TON of babies his age. We meet at each others houses and parks in the area. Gavin seems to amaze the others with his crawling and pulling up skills. Once we get where we are going and I set him down, he is off! We also have been having some other playdates with my friends from work and their babies. Last but not least, Fridays are swim class day, so we are looking forward to that tomorrow:)

These pics are of Nicholas (Laura's baby) and Gavin playing yesterday. They actually "play" really well together...mostly just play by themselves and every once in a while they will touch or grab one another or each others toys...its pretty cute:) We gave the boys some "cookies" after dinner...and this is what happened!

Monday, April 5, 2010


*He drools through at least 10 bibs a day...

*His second tooth is coming in. He chews on everything...even until his poor gum bleeds...poor lil man!

*Last but not least...take a look at the last picture...click on it to make it larger...look again...yep, his hair looks pretty light to me!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Today was Gavin's first Easter, and he had a LOT of fun...and got a lot of goodies from the Easter bunny AND Grandma's!!! He opened all the goodies from the Easter bunny and Grandma G this morning, and then got to get another basket at Grandma Dayle's house:)

We started the day by going to St. Christopher for Easter mass...and of course, Gavin was very good. (probably because I brought food for him to eat:) We headed straight to Grandma and Grandpa's house for Easter lunch. We had a VERY delicious lunch with Grandma, Grandpa, Great Uncle Glenn, Derek's cousin Gerald and his girlfriend Renee. Then after lunch we played and headed home so everyone could see our "new" house (They had not seen it since we moved in 2 years ago!)

It was a very nice Easter...Thank you Grandma's and Grandpa's for Gavin's sweet Easter gifts...AND most importantly, thank you for being the best family we could ever ask for. We are very blessed!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Bath Boy

Gavin is starting to really love his bath at night. We have found that it is KEY to give him a bath WAY before he starts to get tired. Gavin has had a bath EVERY single night of his life...it is our routine. We always would wait for that one sign that he is starting to get tired, and plop him in the bath and he would be fine...Well, not anymore! When he is tired, he is TIRED! If we wait too late, he will SCREAM THE ENTIRE TIME! He will also scream the entire time he is getting dressed. Tonight was perfection. Gavin took a (gasp) 3 HOUR NAP this afternoon, which is something he never really does. If he makes it 2 hours we are dancing for joy:) So when he woke up from his nap he was in a beautiful mood. By beautiful, I mean he was patient with dinner (usually fusses and cries while we are heating up dinner), he was happy as can be, he played with us and his toys with no problems, he crawled ALL over this house, and he really enjoyed his bath:) Maybe one day this kind of schedule will stick!

Notice his red knees (it does not bother him at all)...he really is non-stop crawling...and also notice his huge belly:)

Also, we have started to really get his face wet...because Friday was his first Swim Lesson!!! We (unfortunately) did not get any pictures because it was just me there, and I was in the pool with him the entire time...but he did GREAT! He was just staring at everyone for the first few minutes, but then he warmed up and started to move. We practiced "big arms" and "kicking legs." We did exercises and would "swim" to get certain objects or balls. Of course Gavin just sucked on the ball and rubber ducky the whole time, but that's OK:) One thing he did that I thought was so sad was shiver so much! I have no idea why he did this because the water was warm---like bath water...and none of the other babies were shivering! I kept rubbing his back and arms to make him stop:( (I know its pathetic that I think this is sad, but I hate to see my baby cold!) At the end of class the swim teacher said that next week we are going UNDER water:) Just as she said this, Gavin squirmed out of my arms and even though I caught him, it was a little too late. He went under...didn't cry, but probably swallowed a gallon of baby pee pool water:)

Friday, April 2, 2010

He has done Great things for US!

We hope everyone has a wonderful Good Friday. Today we will remember that Jesus died for us, to save us from our sins. I am thankful for Him, my God, and the ability to live my life with them watching over to guide me. One day we will spend eternal life with Jesus in Heaven...until then we will live our life to the fullest! I can't wait to teach Gavin about Jesus and what He did for us. Looking forward to the years ahead:)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

10 Things

Here is what I have been up to lately:

1. Crawling ALL over the place. I want to be out of your arms and on the ground at all times. Except for when I am tired/hungry/poopy...they I fuss until I get back into your arms. My main goal when I crawl is to get as close as possible to Arnold. I am not sure why, but Arnold lets me pet him...and lets me suck on his face and tail:)
2. Playing with everything I am not supposed to play with. This includes any and all cords, wires, shoe strings, outlets, shoes and so on.
3. I pull myself up on anything I can. I have found many things throughout my house that I can do this with. My Mom and Dad said our house was "pretty much baby proofed." Boy did I prove them wrong! They will be working on this situation over the weekend.
4. I eat everything and try to put everything in my mouth. I don't care what it is or if it tastes good. I will still continue to eat it. Today my Mommy had to hit my back pretty hard (heimlich maneuver) because I tried to eat a piece of cardboard that was part of Arnold's scratch pad. It is usually put up high, but today I got to it before my Mommy saw. Mommy and Daddy continue to say "no" most of the day when I try to put bad stuff in my mouth. We will see if I stop.
5. LOVE to be outdoors. I am most happy in the sun on the ground.
6. I still have a little bit of my Cincinnati cold left...causing me to be stuffed up and making it hard for me to eat (because I can't breath out of my nose sometimes) I hope to get 100% better soon. I am also praying for my Grandma and cousin Griffin who are still pretty sick...we hope they get better soon!
7. I smile very big for those who know me, the camera, and our neighbors. For those who don't know me, I just do a lot of staring...I mean a LOT!
8. My Mommy and I go to playgroup once a week where we get to play with an entire room of babies around my age. I tend to play with the ones who are 10 and 11 months old...as I am doing the same stuff they are. The babies my age are not on the move yet...so they are no fun!
9.We get to go to swim class this week...will post about that tomorrow!
10. I am loved so much by my Mommy and Daddy...I have them wrapped around my finger:)