Saturday, April 17, 2010

Poop Story

Warning-Do not continue reading if you don't want to hear about Gavin's poop...remember, this is my blog, where I journal about what is going on in our lives....because I want to look back and remember this stuff...AND laugh:)

Yesterday morning, while Gavin and I were in my bedroom, he has his first poopy accident. I know, I know, you are probably thinking "Why was your 8 month old son naked?" Well, when I changed his poopy diaper just 15 minutes prior, his bottom was a little red, so I thought he should air out.

Anyways, we were in my room, Gavin with a naked butt, and me trying to make the bed and get dressed. There is only so much that will keep him occupied in our room. The window, chair, and Arnold are three things he likes to play with. I know, again you are thinking "Why doesn't she give him some toys!" but I swear that he no longer has any interest in his toys! So I am in the bathroom getting dressed and then I remembered the sheets needed to be put on the bed. I knew Gavin was by the window "playing" with my breast pump. I put the sheets on and then realized I heard him making this funny growling noise, one that he does when he is really really concentrating. So I look around the bed and find him staring, drooling and growling at his POOP! ON THE CARPET! Thank God he was not touching it, just staring at it intently and growling. I just had to laugh and laugh. It was pretty funny!

I called Derek in to see, and when he got there he said "Who did that, Arnold or Gavin???"



  1. That made me laugh out loud! Oh how I love poop stories!

  2. Hilarious! I needed a good laugh : )
