Monday, April 12, 2010


I thought I would give an update about how life has been since I have been working part time. It has been one month and I can't even begin to describe how much better I feel. Being able to be home with Gavin more has been a dream come really has. I used to work 12 days a month (full time, 12 hr shifts) and the last month I worked 6 days...a HUGE difference! I don't feel like all I do is pump, clean bottles, clean the house, and try to sleep anymore! I have the time and energy to do what I need around the house AND spend time with Gavin. I feel like I am so much more organized and MUCH happier. OF COURSE I could not be doing this without my amazing and very supportive husband. Seriously, he is just so great...and I know how lucky I am to be doing this. I have been actually looking forward to going to work, and feel like I am able to do a very good job when I am there. I no longer resent my work, and I no longer get upset every time I go to work. I still do however get pretty emotional when I take care of very sick babies in a lot of pain. I still picture my baby in the bed...::sigh::...and try to imagine what these families are going through. Sometimes I think that having my own baby makes me a better nurse. I am able to imagine and see first hand what they are going through and the emotions they are feeling...but I am unable to one is able to understand unless they are in that position. ANYways, the point is that I feel refreshed and like I am able to be a better nurse to the sick babies and children.

On the home front...things are pretty much falling into a routine around here. Most days I am home with G and we have lots of activities planned. Lots of playdates, and LOTS of parkdates. Derek usually gets home from work around 5 and immediately takes G because G is so excited to see his Dad. I will then finish up cooking dinner and we will sit down as a family for dinner. Of course it is at 6pm....just like we did growing up:) We eat dinner and feed G dinner at the same time. Then Derek and G play together while I clean up. Derek gives G a bath and then I breastfeed him and he falls asleep for the night at 7pm. Then Derek and I have some time to spend together. I go to bed pretty early, I am usually exhausted:)

On the days I work (mostly weekends) things go a lot different. Derek is home with G and I leave for work at 6:20am. I get up with G at 4am to feed him and sometimes he goes back to bed. If he stays awake and wants to play, Derek takes him so I can sleep one more hour. Derek and G spend the day together (Grandma usually comes over to play too) and then Derek gives him his bath and bottle and puts him down for bed before I get home. Then Derek cooks dinner and has it ready for us at 8pm when I get home. How sweet, right? :) We have dinner and Derek cleans up while I shower and pump one last time. I think I am pretty lucky to have a husband who does all this...really lucky:)

If I work on a weekday, then Grandma Dayle comes over to watch Gavin. They have a lot of fun together and Grandma takes AMAZING care of Gavin...I am pretty sure we are the luckiest family in the world to have her help us out! Gavin gets a lot of love and attention from Grandma...he just adores her:)

On a different note, tonight at dinner Gavin had his first taste of meat! I bought some organic free range chicken at the market today and baked it. I then pureed it with a yam (he loves yams!). He took about 10 bites with a funny face and then turned his head:) I was happy he even tried it! I froze the rest, so we will try again every few days. Gavin HAS really been loving his avocado's! He east about one a day:) We just cut them in half and give him the avocado with a spoon...right from the shell:) He eats it ALL and sometimes wants more.

I will take pics soon and post:)

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