Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rainy Day

This is just too cute! Gavin and his raincoat and rain boots. I had to stop taking pictures because once he discovers the mud hill, it gets VERY messy! 

Today we went to Carters because we needed to get some new onsies...Gavin has officially outgrown his 18mo ones, and is in a 2T!!! Last night we could not even snap the 18mo ones was time:) I gave in and bought these boots for him...he LOVES to play in the water, and since it is still chilly and wet out, we thought it was a good idea. Plus he would not take them off once he tried them on!

The past few days I have been sick with a yucky cold, so we have been hanging low. Thank God for Grandma Dayle, she kept Gavin all day yesterday and this morning so I could rest. What in the world would I do without her??? Thank you so much Dayle!!!

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