Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Today Gavin found a bug on the way to the park. A ladybug. He picked it up and put it in the wagon with him, and talked to it the whole wagon ride to the park. Once we got there, Gavin would not move from the wagon...he was scared his "bug" would leave. It was very cute to see him with his little pet bug...He kept telling everyone that walked by that he had a "BUG!!!" Gavin knows I do not really like any bugs, but I feel like I need to suck it up, and pretend that they do not freak me out...for his sake. I may pick up ladybugs or ants, but Gavin already knows that I will NOT touch a spider!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is adorable! Maybe he needs a new pet...puppy! Just a thought! Although Danny would be so jealous! And yes, Danny had a freak out moment when I told him about the cookie...he thought it was way too hard for her...and it actually was...she did gag and I had to fish part of it out...ugh! Yes, next week sounds good!
