Friday, March 4, 2011

The Learning Tower

If there is one thing Gavin could do all day long, it would be "cook" in the kitchen! This boy LOVES to help cook, do dishes, and prepare food. He is always wanting to help, and that involves us holding him while we cook so he can see and help out. Pulling up a chair does not really help, he is too much of a monkey, and can't seem to stay on the chair. 

Daddy only worked a half day today (Because I still feel like poop, and Gavin woke up with a fever). When he got home, Gavin and Dad worked on the Tower! This thing is pretty much a really fancy step stool, and SO much more:) First of all, he can't fall off it, because he is trapped inside. He can climb in and out of it by himself, and he has already spent 45 minutes helping with the dishes. 

The bonus about this thing is that it turns into a lemonade stand, puppet theater, fort, and an art easel! It came with all of the attachments too! It has only been a few hours, and this thing is already worth EVERY penny!


  1. that looks awesome!!!!! glad g can help more around the house now...hopefully it'll give you a break : ) FEEL BETTER!

  2. Oh you are going to love the tower!When Amity got hers,Kelsey brought her girls over and they LOVED it.I sure wish we had these when you were young.
    Love Debbie

  3. I can't wait until Carson's old enough to use his! Enjoy your helper :)
