Monday, June 10, 2013

{Austin 16 months}

Dear Austin,

Oh Austin, you are so amazing. Looking at your pictures, I can't get enough of you. You are one fun toddler and one BUSY little guy. Life with you is never dull and never boring!

This past month we have done a lot of traveling, and had a lot of new places to take in. You have grown into a SUPER mamas boy, and don't like to have me out of your sight...unless you are busy playing with your brother in the back yard...then you are OK, and that is usually because you are doing something bad;)

You run, jump, run, dance, climb, run, dance, climb and run all day long. If I don't hear you, its not a good sign. You are either up on the counter or into something you are not supposed to be. Usually with a big grin or a very serious I am caught face.

You are so happy to play with your brother. You guys play hide and seek and don't really understand much of it, but you have the chase part down!

You are sleeping great, taking two naps a day, and eating everything in sight. I can't list favorites for food because you eat it all. AS long as you don't have to sit! You are rarely in your high chair, you would rather run around and eat.

You are no longer nursing at all, and you take a bottle before naps and bed. Finally just cow milk!

You are in size 2T clothes and 4 diaper. You weigh around 25 pounds. You are a LOT to hold!

We love you so so so so much little Austin!


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