Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Exciting Changes

I am so very excited to finally be able to say that as of March 7th, 2010, I will be working part time! It has been a HUGE decision for us, and I am so lucky to be able to do this.

Ever since I realized back in December that I would be going back to work, I have had a lot of anxiety about it. I did not want to make any decisions (to work or not to work) until I at least tried it for a few months. After going back to work full time, I really realized that it is just not working for us. This is JUST my personal opinion, but I really think that working full time AND having a family is 10 times harder than staying home. I feel like I am able to say this because I was home for 4 months with Gavin. I have experienced both worlds, and I don't know how some women do it! Being a stay at home mom is a full time job, I know that. Add on another full time job (taking care of very sick children) and it makes things that much harder. I am not able to give enough of myself to my family, and they are the most important thing in my life. Period.

I can never get this time back, and I don't want to look back and regret not being home with Gavin more...and so we decided that if we are able to make this work, why not? So, pretty soon I will be a "relief" nurse and will only be required to work one 12 hr shift per week. The great thing about this position is that I can work more if I need to! (bad thing is I won't have benefits through work anymore) We will need to cut way back on our spending, and really plan out what we buy. That will be a big change for us, but I am excited to be staying home more, so I will do anything I need to!!!

I feel so fortunate to be able to have the "best of both worlds." I will still be working, just not as much, and we feel that this is the best for our family right now. I am excited to able to focus more of myself on our family and less on work. I am also extremely fortunate to have a wonderful husband who is able to support our family. Gavin and I are both so lucky to have Derek.

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