Monday, August 29, 2011

Still Sick...

Just when I thought G was starting to get better, he went and spiked another fever. He went all day yesterday without a fever, and was pretty happy. Tired very easily, but generally happy. Today he was a happy guy, walked to the park, had a picnic in the yard, and then he took a nice nap. Woke up from his nap nice and hot...with a fever. Since then, he has been SUPER sensitive, irritable, and wanting to be in my arms. He finally let Daddy carry him in the carrier while he cut the grass:)

He is still coughing quite a bit, and makes a very sour face when he it hurts. Its pretty sad. The cough has not let up any, so I think it must be the pneumonia working its way out.

I will be calling the doctor tomorrow morning, because I am concerned about the continued fevers...he has been on antibiotics for 3 days now...Poor little thing is really confusing me!

I hope I have the strength to not loose my cool with the doctor when I talk with her...she did not even call today to check up on Gavin, and to apologize for FORGETTING to tell me he has pneumonia! ( I may be holding a grudge here...but rightfully so)

1 comment:

  1. oh no...i am so sorry to hear that! feel better g...and fast! praying for you!
