Sunday, October 14, 2012

{Gavin 38 Months}

Dear Gavin-

Another month gone by. We are still as busy as ever, and you do something "amazing" and funny each and every day:)

You have entered the "why" phase of your life. We knew this day was coming, but man its exhausting! There are about 500 "why's" every single day. A long time ago I remember someone giving tips on what to do and how to respond when a child begins asking why for everything. They said to respond "I am not sure why, why do YOU think???" So I tried this a few days ago. This was the conversation:

G- "Momma, why does baby not want to come in Davin's room???"
Me- "I am not sure Gavin, why do you think baby does not want to go in your room?"
G- "Momma, Davin doesnt know that answer, thats why I ask YOU the pwestion!!"
Me- "Oh Lord"

This is such a fun age, and we love teaching you all sorts of new things. You are very smart, and YOU actually teach momma new stuff all the time. When it comes to fixing things, you will tell me how to do it, and you are usually right.

You are Mr. Independent these days. You can do everything on your own, and prefer to do it that way. I have such a great little helper all the time.

You continue to love books, and want to read all the time. Your favorites are any Dr. Seuss, Curious George, and Little Critters books. You will stack up a huge pile, and then read us the names of each book, and sometimes who the author is:) Another fun book you love is the My First Alphabet book series. It is a seperate book for each letter, called "My "A" Book, and so on. We only have 7 of the letters, so I was able to find all the rest from someone in my moms group! I was so glad because you LOVE this series, but it was made in 1984, so very hard to find!

Your favorite shows are still Curious George and Clifford. You will occasionally watch Calliou, Bob the Builder, and Leap Frog shows. You get one show in the AM, and one after nap each day. You look forward to this time SO much, and ask for them all day long sometimes:)

You continue to play with "your" i-Pad, and are learning a lot from it! Mostly cooking games, as you love to cook both on screen and off.

You are wearing size 3/4T. You still have diapers for nap/night, and they are still pretty wet, so we are not pushing anything. When you are ready we will know!

Eating everything and sleeping great. Napping 2hours a day, and very consistent with that. As long as we keep things the same, you do so great! Your bedtime routine has to be the SAME exact every night! Bath, play with shaving cream in bath, brush teeth IN bath, drink water in bath, jammies on, storytime (as many books as you can get us to read), tucked in, turn on turtle light, sing three tell us the order. ABC's, Bitsy Spider, and Sunshine (You are my sunshine). Then we say goodnight and leave the room while you are still talking. You just keep talking even  after we shot the door:)

Oh Gavie, life is so fun these days. You are such a great big brother to Austie, and you help feed him, carry him, and play with him:) You are the only one who can get baby Austie to laugh super hard!!!

We are so excited for halloween and going to Cincinnati! More next month:)

Love you-

ps. You now say "I love you too" each time I say goodbye to sweet:)

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