Wednesday, April 10, 2013

{Austin 14 Months}

Dear Austie,

Today you are 14 months old. I can't believe that you are over one....still. I guess I have to get used to the fact that you are growing up, fast! 

You are quite the crazy little guys these days. Just into everything and so interested in anything and anyone. You have NO stranger fear, and will "chat" with anyone who even looks at you. You do a LOT of people walk up, get very close, and then just stare. If they are friendly, you pick up on it and will talk to them. I really need to keep my eye on you...the other day at the park you just walked up to a grandma, found out how friendly she was, and you put your arms up so she would pick you up! She did, and of course I had my eye on you! Again, NEVER take my eyes off of you!

You are learning to run and jump. I guess its safe to say you can do both now, and like to run and jump all day long. Oh, and dance. You still love to dance your booty off all day long. 

You eat everything in sight, and need to eat every hour or so. You prefer to walk around with your food, so we eat outdoors a LOT. You still do not really like cow milk (at all) so I have been giving you a toddler formula in place of the two cups of milk a day you should need. Its not much, but you like it. I am slowly adding in cow milk so that one day you will like it. Your favorite foods are cheese, fruit, carrots, bolani, yams, pancakes, eggs, nuts, dried fruit, crackers, and smoothies. 

You are still nursing 3 times a day, before naps and bed. You are still very much interested in this, so we are just enjoying it. I love the time I get with you, and you just stare up at me and try to put your fingers in my mouth. :)

Oh Austie, your feet. They are huge! You are in a size 5.5W right now, and I have already ordered the next size up in your summer Keens. I can't believe that I had to get a size 6! You are already wearing the socks that your brother wore when he was TWO!

You are in 18mo clothes and some 12mo shirts and shorts. Diaper is size 4, and we are back doing a lot more cloth these days now that it is warm. (Its easier when its warm out...less changing clothes, and most of the time you are just in a diaper...) 

You help, help, help with everything. If we are doing something, you need to help us. Very busy guy.

You are blabbering up a idea what you are saying, but you sure know! You will talk to us, and then look at us like we are insane for not understanding you. Hmm. One day we will all get it!

You are in the water 75% of the day, and just love it. You cry and complain for the hose to come on, and you will stand with it in your hands and wait. LOVE water. Bath, hose, pool, anywhere!

Oh Austin, you are such a happy little guy. Such a good little player...always playing with something. You smile and laugh all day long...we just love you so much!


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