Friday, May 10, 2013

{Austin 15 Months}

Dear Austie Pastie,

Today you turn 15 months old. What a big boy you are!

We are spending our very last day here in Maui, so I am not going to take long for this post. I promise there will be millions of pictures and stories about your very first trip to Hawaii. :)

In Austie Pastie news, you are currently as active as ever. Climbing and chasing...playing tag and hide and seek. WhatEVER your brother is doing, you MUST do...and whereEVER he goes, you must go!

When Daddy leaves for work in the mornings, you cry for him. You also are a COMPLETE mama's boy, and usually refuse to let anyone else hold you. If you do not want them to hold you, you will throw your body away, and try to fall to the ground. Yes, you have fallen a few times, and yes, you have banged us in the head with your head. VERY strong you are. We have had to start telling you a very firm "no" when you do this as it is very dangerous!

You say Mama and Dada on command. You also try to say cookie and juice. Funny because you don't really ever eat these things, but your favorite book has them in it, and you LOVE these pages. "What Does Baby Say" is your all time favorite book!

You are still napping two times a day for two hours each. You continue to sleep through the night from 8pm to 5 or 6am. You are in size 18-24mo clothes and size 4 diapers. Your feet are a size 6.

You are such a spunky little guy...always running around and always smiling and talking to us. You LOVE to entertain strangers, as long as they don't get too close...if they do, you get very shy and need me to hold you. Still my baby:)

Love you lots Austie!


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