Thursday, April 10, 2014

{Austin 26 Months}

Dear trouble maker, I mean Austin,

Oh Austie, you are getting into trouble these days! You are really learning how to get on your brothers last nerve...and you make him very upset. Mostly, you just want to do whatever he is doing, but sometimes you take or break what he is doing...oh boy. You also love to get into whatever you are not supposed to...especially food. You just help yourself, and enjoy!

We have been very busy these days. Lots of special mommy and Austie time when Gavin is at school. We go to parks, museums, and friends houses. Lots to do.

You are sleeping as great as ever and eating like a man. You seriously eat more than me sometimes.

You are in 2/3T clothes and size 4 diapers.

Your favorite books are about trains, construction vehicles, and cats. You LOVE backhoe's, diggers, and trains.

Love you Austie!


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