Monday, April 14, 2014

{Gavin 56 Months}

Dear Gavin,

This past month has been a hard month for you. You seem to be going through some sort of a growth spurt, and you are pretty emotional at times. You still want to be cuddled and hugged. It helps you. I will cuddle and hug you forever if it helps. I love being close with you. Just tonight you said to me "Mama? You are the best girl in the world" I melted onto the floor.

We have been busy busy busy. School, play, and travel. We are in Cincinnati right now, and you are having a BLAST. You adore your cousins, and have so much fun staying with Grandma and Grandpa.  We are as busy as ever, and you are soaking it all in.

You are really into playing in dirt, sand, and any sort of yard work. You LOVE to help build, fix, destruct, and just plain work. You are the worlds best helper.

You are in 5T clothing, still diapers at night, and sleeping like an expert. You are a wonderful eater, and an amazing chef. Many days and nights we eat your "creations" that you make in the kitchen. Some pretty good. Others questionable. :)

Glad you still need mama cuddles Gavie. Love you lots.


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