Wednesday, May 14, 2014

{Gavin 57 Months}

Dear Gav,

We are in Maui! You are having SUCH a great time!!! We got here this morning, and you are non stop. Ocean, pool, ocean, pool. You can't get enough and its so fun to watch.

You are loving life these days. School, playing outside, riding bikes, you name it and you are into it. Oh your art projects. You just love art. You make creations and drawings all day long. You make them for people, and pass them out. You mainly draw maps, and they usually are treasure maps of some sorts.

You continue to love to read, and love it if would would read all throughout the day.

You and Austin sure love your iPad too. That and the Nick Jr games on the computer. Oh, and lets not forget about the TV. Your favorite show is Umi-Zumi and the movie Cars.

This next week will be filled with family, sun, sand, and lots of swimming. You can swim without any help these days, and you are so excited to go snorkeling!!!

Thanks for being such a great boy Gavin, I love you so so much.


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