Saturday, June 14, 2014

{Gavin 58 Months}

Dear Gav,

What a bog boy you are now! You just graduated from preschool a few days ago, and we could not be more proud of you!!!

I am still in complete shock that you will soon be in elementary school! Junior Kinder is where you will be, and you are so excited to "meet new friends" at your new school. You are also very excited that I get to work every week in your class...and I am so excited too. We are so lucky to have found this school for you and very fortunate to be able to go there. Very excited for a great year ahead.

These days you can be found riding your bike at lightning speeds. You go so fast that we need to run pretty fast to keep up with you...and you taught your brother to ride with training wheels, and you are so proud of him!

If I asked you who your best friends are you would say: Kaleb, Ryleigh, Emma, Evy, Evangelina, Kaia, and Madeleine. You make friends where ever you go too.

Some of your other hobbies include collecting things (dirt, rocks, chalk dust, bugs), playing chase and hide n seek, going for bike ride with daddy, playing cars with your brother, and making creations. You can make creations out of anything, and love to make them out of art supplies, Paint, glitter, play-doh, you name it, and you are making creations. Very creative, and LOTS of art supplies used!

The cooking. You cook three meals a day (that you eat) and you probably make 3 more in your outdoor kitchen (that you don't eat;). You LOVE to cook, and make things. You get to pick whatever sharp knife you want, as you are no proficient enough to use them all. You also like to use about 50 other kitchen utensils to cook. You know how to turn the oven on, how to turn the stove on, and how to see if something is done being cooked. We are impressed.

You are sleeping 8pm to 7am and still napping at least an hour in the afternoon.

Size 5/6T clothes, size 6 diapers at night, but they are only wet a few days a week, and size 13 shoes. Big feet!

You can write your name in both upper and lower case letters, and you can write every letter of the alphabet. We are so proud of you!

We are looking forward to a very fun summer!

Love you G-


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