Dear Gavin,
Another month has passed so fast! Time is going quick, and its getting hard to keep up with you! You are Mr. busy, and always into a cooking project, art project, or playing with something. Never is there a dull moment!
You continue to adore school. Each day you wake up and tell me the agenda for school that day. You are learning so much, I am so amazed. Your Teacher is incredible and you adore her so much. Each day you make her a picture that you draw, and she has them all up on her bulletin board. Today for sharing, you wanted to bring each classmate an apple you picked yesterday, and it was so sweet of you.
Your two best friends in school are Natalie and David. Although you say that all 10 are your best friends. You are getting to know them so well, and they are all adorable kids.
Tuesdays I get to go to school with you and work your class. You are always so excited, and so am I. Watching you in class is so neat to have already learned so much in a little over a month...I can't wait to see what you learn next! You participate in all the activities, dances, songs, and answer questions when Teacher Jennifer asks. One of the other moms who works on Mondays came up to me today to tell me how great you are. She said "He is always just so happy, and dances and sings along with me! I am not sure I have ever seen him not so so happy." I agree. This is you. (OK, well maybe not when you are at home fighting with your brother.)
You don't have any other scheduled activities at the moment, we are really enjoying the afternoons off from everything, and just taking it day by day. You have LOTS of play dates throughout the week with classmates, and every Wednesday you have a play date with Natalie. On Mondays we usually go to the park with Kate, and then Friday's Ma sometimes picks you up from school to go play with her. Life in your little world is grand.
You eat, sleep, and play like there is no tomorrow. You have been healthy all summer, maybe a few tiny colds, but nothing that kept you down and out. We are so thankful for how healthy you and your brother are. I contribute it to your great diet, your love of the outdoors, your expert hand washing skills before meals, and of course all the natural vitamins and supplements I give you;) Oh, and sleep, that has got to have a lot to do with it! You sleep 10hrs at night and 2-3 during the day. You are learning how to be healthy, and I am glad that you enjoy taking care of your body. Its so important.
We are looking forward to the next few weeks of fall...and today you said Halloween is your favorite day of the year.