Friday, October 10, 2014

{Austin 32 Months}

Dear Austie,

What a month! We have been super busy with your two schools, that the month passed us right by! 

These days you are absolutely in love with going to school...who wouldn't when you get to play play play! At Mulberry school I stay one day with you, and Ma stays the other. You are so happy there. You usually go off to play the whole time, usually checking in with us here and there, while we work the stations. You play well with others, and are pretty good at sharing AND taking turns. You get pretty mad if someone grabs something out of your hands, and you are plenty verbal to take care of it yourself. Your buddies usually give it RIGHT back;) You dominate all the physical activities, and can do them all on your own. You don't need OR want help. You love to make snack, and usually eat whatever it is, even if you don't normally eat it at home. 

Friday's are Mountain School days, and you love this so much. I go with you every week, and I am there to just observe you. Its my FAVORITE day of the week with you for sure. Its like heaven walking into the redwood forest. You are so happy, and its such a peaceful place for you to play. You do all the activities, play dump trucks with your pals, and always go for the creek hikes. You are a very active participant in cooking and snack time, and you gobble up whatever it is. Then its on to circle time with Teacher Sarah. I am still so incredibly impressed with you! You will go sit, right up in front, and sit the whole time! You concentrate so hard, and just love to listen to her stories. You interact with her and the story, and you always stay on your bottom like she asks everyone to do. Again, I am so impressed!

School three days a week leaves only a few days open for us. You usually have speech on Wednesdays, but we have been skipping that a LOT. You are Mr. Chatterbox, and I have not once concern in the world about your speech. Technically, they need to keep you in until the 6mo is up, so we will maybe go once a month:) This fall has been so pretty and warm, we just love to go hang out at parks and pumpkin patches. 

You have started this new tradition of getting up at 5AM! We are not sure why, but man, its early! You stay in your room and play, but you are LOUD at 5AM! We can hear all your trucks...and you singing and playing. We are thankful you stay in your room, but wished you slept in a bit;)

You are otherwise sleeping and eating great. Size 3T everything. Diapers at nap and night and I am not sure you have had more than 3 accidents in the past month. Its amazing. You are still doing #2 in a diaper, but that's no big deal to us. When you are ready, you will go on the potty. 

We love you SO SO much Austin!!!


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