Friday, November 28, 2014

The Moore Family Christmas Tree!

After 7 years of this, we can really call it a tradition now. The day after Thanksgiving, we head up the Santa Cruz mountains to Four Winds to hike and cut down our very own tree. This year, like most, it was nice and warm up there! We brought jackets, but did not need them. 

This year Marisa and Courtney got to come along with us...and they helped us pick the best tree. After about an hour hike around, we found it, and cut it down. 

Gavin and Austin helped do everything from find the tree, to cut it, to carry it to the truck. 

Our trip was complete when we checked out and bought some fresh tamales and salsa to have when we got home. Perfect California tree picking day!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Austin & Tara

Every since starting school at Mulberry, Austin has a new best friend. Tara. She is in his class, and the sister of Gavin's friend in JK. Austin and Tara have weekly playdates, and he even goes to school without me now! He goes with Tara and Melissa (Tara's momma) so he is so happy. They also have weekly playdates, and 3 weeks ago, he went to her house WITHOUT ME for the first time. Now he is a pro. Nothing is forced, he wants to do it all. Makes me so happy. 

Gavin & Natalie

Since starting at Mulberry School, Gavin has developed a great relationship with Natalie from his class. They get along so great, and have weekly playdates. I usually never hear a peep out of them, they play so well! This is them at Natalie's 5th Birthday party. He was RIGHT next to her;)

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Safari West 2014

This weekend Ma & Papa took us up to Santa Rosa to go to Safari West! We had been looking forward to this for so long!!! We went up on Saturday afternoon, and stayed in the Hilton hotel with M & Papa...complete with an indoor pool! 

Saturday evening we headed over to check out Howarth Park...a super fun park with so much to do and see. We ended up walking around and went to Mary's Pizza, a local favorite. 

After swimming past bedtime Saturday night at the hotel, we woke up Sunday and headed off to Safari West! We had a 3hr tour on foot, and then in the jeep. The boys were in awe of all the awesome animals we got to see, and get right up close to. We all can agree, our favorite part was watching the giraffes run...and riding right along side them. It was like magic.

Thank you Ma & Papa for the incredible weekend!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Gavin's Books

Each week, Gavin gets to bring something in to school for sharing. He has been making books for his sharing, and this one was about a pool. He gets to read them out loud on the projector, and he is thrilled. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

{Gavin 63 Months}

Dear Gavin-

I am getting more and more behind in my blogging because we are so busy these days. You keep me on my feet, always a new adventure!

You are so totally into school, your friends, your teachers, your whole school community, and everything that goes along with it. You walk onto campus and greet everyone by first name. You are so comfortable and so happy. I smile ear to ear just watching you there. Its like it was meant for you. 

You are busy with school, playdates, parks, cooking, more cooking and lastly cooking these days! You are counting to 100, writing books, writing all your letters, and starting to read! I can't keep up, something new every day!

Having Grandma here for a week was a big special treat for you. You loved to be with her, and learn from her. 

Mikey is your pal. He puts up with your rough playing, and he also snuggles up to you at night. Its very sweet. 

You still sleep great and nap in the afternoons. Some days you come snuggle with me and we read books for an hour, until you fall fast asleep. My favorite time. 

You tell me you love me multiple times a day. Out of nowhere, you will just stop what you are doing and say "Oh, mom, Oh mom I just love you SO much!" I can't help but hug you and kiss you when you say this. You are so loved. 

Stay you--Gavin!


Monday, November 10, 2014

{Austin 33 Months}

Dear Austin-

Oh how much you change from month to month! You are MR CHATTERBOX these days...talking all day long, sounding like a grown up sometimes! You sing songs, repeat everything, and let us know exactly what is on your mind. The whole world knows if Austin is not happy!

You are spunky, a total comedian. You know it when you are funny, and soak it all up. 

You are also such a hard worker like your daddy and brother. You help with ANY project, at home or at school. Busy, busy, busy....always something to do. 

You are still the ultimate sleeper. Go to bed easily, within minutes (after you have water, songs, snuggles, nightlight, more water, more songs, and hugs.) You sleep through the night for 10 hours and then nap every afternoon for 2-4hrs. 

You are in 3t clothes, size 9.5-10 shoes, and size 5 diapers when you sleep. Otherwise you are completely potty trained, but still go poop in a diaper. One day you will outgrow that one!

Firetrucks, trains, doctors. You need to pretend to be them all the time...and you go crazy if you see a real firetruck. We must stop the car to look. Pretend play is your favorite, you spend most of your day doing that. Pretend cooking? One of your specialties. You will spend hours in the real and pretend kitchen, cooking away!

Love you SO MUCH Austie!
