Friday, November 14, 2014

{Gavin 63 Months}

Dear Gavin-

I am getting more and more behind in my blogging because we are so busy these days. You keep me on my feet, always a new adventure!

You are so totally into school, your friends, your teachers, your whole school community, and everything that goes along with it. You walk onto campus and greet everyone by first name. You are so comfortable and so happy. I smile ear to ear just watching you there. Its like it was meant for you. 

You are busy with school, playdates, parks, cooking, more cooking and lastly cooking these days! You are counting to 100, writing books, writing all your letters, and starting to read! I can't keep up, something new every day!

Having Grandma here for a week was a big special treat for you. You loved to be with her, and learn from her. 

Mikey is your pal. He puts up with your rough playing, and he also snuggles up to you at night. Its very sweet. 

You still sleep great and nap in the afternoons. Some days you come snuggle with me and we read books for an hour, until you fall fast asleep. My favorite time. 

You tell me you love me multiple times a day. Out of nowhere, you will just stop what you are doing and say "Oh, mom, Oh mom I just love you SO much!" I can't help but hug you and kiss you when you say this. You are so loved. 

Stay you--Gavin!


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