Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bathing Babes

Tonight we had the McCulloch's over for dinner. We had a great dinner of BBQ chicken, and the best part was we ALL sat down to eat! This was a first for us! Usually one or both of the little ones are running around/cranky/needing to be held/wanting something else. So, this was really neat to sit and enjoy a meal together! Both Gavin and Kaylin ate lots of food, and did not make much of a fuss at all. (Shh, there may have been some Baby Einstein playing on the computer! HA! Just another one of those things that "I would never do as a mom" Yeah right!!!)

After dinner, G & K ran around the house. Kaylin is now an expert at walking and G showed off his dancing skills. It was time for bath, so we decided to put them both in the tub. Danny said "As long as Gavin does not pull a fast one!" That was pretty funny!


  1. so cute! they had so much fun! and so did danny and i...thanks for a great night!

  2. They are too cute!!!!

    Love Debbie
