Sunday, November 14, 2010

{Gavin 15 Months}

Dear toddler G-

Today you are 15 months, and we are spending the day in Ohio with your family here. Every month I write these letters, I always say that I cannot believe that you are getting older. Again, I will say that now. You have changed so much lately, and you make us laugh all the time. You are turning into such a little show-off, and you sure know it!

Here is what you are up to lately:
-You run around everywhere.
-You climb on anything and everything. You usually have no fear at all.
-You say Mama, Dada, Hot, Kittttt (kitty), Duu (Duck and Dog), Uh-Oh (million times a day), Ohh, Baa (Bath and Bread). You have a LOT of sounds...and you will try to say what we are saying, but usually only get the first sound. Most of the time you just babble about everything, and I have NO idea what you are saying. You go on and on about things, and sometimes you even get frustrated about what you want. There is a lot of pointing going on, and you can usually get what you want by pointing to it.
-You love people, and sometimes love strangers. You will walk up to random people, and just stare at them and smile until they notice you.
-You are still napping 2 times a day. Very busy in between naps. Don't think this is changing anytime soon....or I could be soooo wrong!
-You sleep through the night on some nights, and others you wake up and scream very loud. We have no idea why. We have never known why you do this. But you do and its our normal now. One day....
-You have proven that traveling now that you are a toddler is 100times harder than it used to be. You have a hard time adjusting to the new environment, and a hard time with the time change. It also takes you a while to warm up to everyone, because you don't always remember them. This is hard for me, because I don't like to see you have a hard time. We hope you travel a little better when daddy comes with us REALLY miss your daddy when we travel.
-You eat everything and anything. You have now had cheese and dairy for over a month and you have done great! No rashes, or upset tummy. You have had ice cream, and everything else in the world that has dairy. We are so thankful that you are not sensitive anymore...really thankful!
-You wear a size 4 diaper and size 18mo clothes.
-You are 24lbs.
-Your shoes are 5.5WIDE!
-You wake up each day with a smile on your face.
-You have a mild...OK Severe obsession with your paci and blanket. You get them both when you are in your crib for naptime and bedtime. If you see them when its not bedtime, and you are able to get your hands on them, you are obsessed. You will throw a big old tantrum if they are taken away.
-You are SUCH a snuggle baby. You love to give hugs and "kisses" and melt my heart every time you snuggle with me.

This past month has been very fun with you, and you continue to make us smile and laugh every single day. We love you monkey G!

Mamma and Dada

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