Monday, November 1, 2010

On This Day

-The Giants won the world series. You have seen almost all the games, and whenever we clap and shout, you clap too. You think that it is for you.

-You bit your Dad in the arm tonight. We have no idea why, but you got yelled at. It did not phase you at all. Just kept playing with your toys.

-You went with Momma to take Arnold to the vet. Arnold was diagnosed with "possible seasonal allergies" and "possible allergic reaction to a flea bite." Your mom said that the word possible cannot be part of a diagnosis. You helped Arnold get his new medicine...after Mom spent $200 for the visit. You will not get to go back to the vet again with Arnold for 2 years because 1.) He is not going & 2.) You threw a tantrum on the ground and ate a piece of cat food off the ground. Seriously.

-You took 2 beautifully long naps today. Mom got a lot done. You needed the sleep.

-You and Daddy took a bike ride to the market while Mom cooked dinner. You love the bike rides.

-Mom figured out how to get you to be the worlds best toddler at the grocery store. All it took was one banana, one bag of dried apricots/bananas/cranberries, one rice husk, one rice milk box, one sucker, and one pear. Food is the answer to everything with you.

-You "kissed" and hugged a dog at the park today. You still think that kissing someone is rubbing your head on them. I love this because 1.) Your Daddy taught you this & 2.) You are not putting your lips on random things, people, and animals.

-You tried to eat a wood chip, bottle cap, candy wrapper, and used straw at the park. You love to pick up trash. So much for "kissing" with your head.

-You ate 3 Swedish meatballs, egg noodles, avocado, peas, and pear for dinner. When you like something, you love it. You also put most of this food on your fork to eat it. You can't quite get the food on the fork by yourself, so you stick the food there with one hand, and then eat it with the other. Pretty cute:)

-You played with a little 4 year old at the park. Well, he pretended you were a "scary monster" and ran from you, and played peek-a-boo. You thought this was the funniest thing in the world. You love to play with other kids. (Momma loves this, but it also sometimes makes her sad to think that we are so far from your cousins in Ohio.)

-You danced a laughed a lot today.

-You talked up a storm today. Non-stop talking. All day long. Not sure what most of it was, but most of it was like this. OoooOOOO! ADA ADA ADA, Mmmmm, Ooy-Ooy-OOY!, oh, Mama, Dadadada, Dada, MA!, HOT, ha, ha, HOT,  BaBu, Sssstt, Ssssstt and so on. Words we know you are saying are Dada, Hot, Babu(Bubble) and Sssttt(stink) Oh, yeah and eeeeeeeeuuuuuuu (peeee-you!)

-You continue to be the best thing that has ever happened to your Mom & Dad.


  1. what a day!!! it's amazing what they accomplish : ) cat food? how did he like it...haha!

  2. I think it is funny that Gavins team was playing Carsons team. We were rooting for the Rangers but your team was better.Congrats.

    Love Debbie
