Friday, January 14, 2011

{Gavin 17 Months}

Dear Gavin Donovan,

Yes, I have been using your middle name a LOT lately. You seem to be learning how to test your limits! I remember people saying that they could not believe that their toddler had entered the terrible two phase BEFORE they were I see why!

Oh sure are such a little monkey! Most of the limit testing you are doing is all about standing places you shouldn't (high chair, couch, table, toilet, you name it!) You love to climb, and then you love to see our reactions. Hmm. Most places you climb are OK, but its not OK to stand in your high chair, or stand on tables. You look at your Daddy's face, and you will usually sit down! You sure do obey your Daddy! As for me? Well, sometimes you listen to me. Other times not so much!

Another new thing you have done in the past few weeks is attempt to bite someone. Holy Lord, this was a big surprise to me! I could not believe my eyes when I saw you PULL a friends sweater to GET HER CLOSER to you so you could BITE HER! I was in shock. Of course I was able to grab you in time, but seriously? Oh man. So the discipline has started! Thankfully, you have only done this 2 times, and both times I was able to grab you first. Both times you were tired, and cranky. And NOT in the mood to be touched or messed with by others! SO, the advice I got from others who went through this? WATCH YOU LIKE A HAWK! Hahaha I already do, because if I didn't you would be GONE.

Your activity level? Its crazy. You go-go-go all the time. You nap when you are tired, and you get up at 4am. This does not make sense. How can you do so much and require such LITTLE sleep? We have a call in to the pediatrician to ask for help with your sleeping habits. Your dad and I are pretty tired!

You have recently started to really love to bead books:) You LOVE to go get a "Boo" and sit in our lap to read it. Your favorites are Goodnight Moon, The Hungry Caterpillar, and any other book that has animals, or cars/trucks. Each day you love a new book. We LOVE reading to you...and you will now sit still for almost the whole book!

Just today for the very first time, you read ME a book!
Mom-"Baby see's a cookie, what does baby say?"
Mom-"Baby sees his bottle, what does baby say?"
Mom-"Baby opens mommy's pocket book, what does baby say?"
G-"KEE!" (keys)
Mom-"Baby gets in mommy's car, what does baby say?"

You love your books so much that you pick a few to sleep with each night and when you nap. I lay you down with your blankie and paci, and books, and you read them in your crib (After we of course have already read 15!) I say goodnight, kiss your cheek, and shut the door. I hear you "reading" your books for a few minutes and then you go to sleep! WOW! What a change from when you used to scream in your crib! This new routine is AWESOME:) It is so adorable to hear you in there reading your books.

Your words increase by the day. Most of them are just sounds, that we understand. You try and try to mimic my mouth, and love to hear me sing. I have a terrible voice, but you don't care! Each day you surprise us with a new word, and this is such a fun time.

One of your favorite things to do is go get things and bring them to certain people. I will say "Gavin, please go get your Goodnight Moon book and bring it to Daddy." You go and do this. We tend to do this all day because you LOVE to bring things to people. You follow instructions very well, and sometimes you really surprise me with how much you really understand!

Oh Gavin, you are such a little toddler now. We are having so much fun with you, and each day you make us smile and laugh so much. We love you little monkey!

Momma and Daddy

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