Gavin has really started to help us do lots of stuff around the house. He LOVES to help, no matter what it is! Here are some of the things he likes to help with:
-Cooking-His favorite! I was planning to get him a play kitchen when he is 2, but that may have to happen sooner! He has one now (I got at a garage sale) but it is not very big, and does not do much. Gavin will help with anything while cooking. He especially loves to make "soup." Oh, and he always helps eat when we cook!
-Laundry- He loves to bring you clothes in the basket. I will go in the bedroom, and wait for him. He will push the basket through the house with ONE sock at a time, all the way to the bedroom to me. He will then look at me and say "More????" And I say yes. He will do this over and over. When I tell him good job he claps:)
-Dishes-We cannot open the dishwasher without Gavin jumping in to help. He unloads it. Even if its dirty.
-Cleaning-He sweeps, vacuum's, and mops. He prefers the real things, not the toy ones!
-Putting on makeup-Yes, I know. He LOVES to help apply blush or bronzer. His Grandma Podie taught him this one!
-Put toys away-For now, Gavin likes to put things away. He will help for a few minutes. He then decides to take them back out, but he is getting the hang of it!
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