Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chalk Artist

The other day we bought Gavin some sidewalk chalk at Target. I am not sure why we did not get him some chalk sooner...WAIT I know why, he would have eaten it. These days Gavin does not try to eat absolutely everything...only about 20% of new objects go in the mouth. Some might think that's a lot, but trust me its not. He does not walk around and LOOK for something to put in his mouth like he used to! So, since he only tries to eat the chalk every once in a while, we gave it a try. Gavin will walk up and grab some chalk, and then go lay down on the driveway and color away. Then he will throw his piece that he thinks is damaged, and get a new one. He concentrates soo hard too. There is almost always drool on his cheek from the hard work! You can see the drool on his cheek in the last few pictures...and no that big wet mark on the driveway is not drool, its oil from the car;)


  1. thanks for clarifying that oil spot...i think i would have thought it was drool...haha! and i think you have the next picasso on your hands...what a great little artist! we'll have to get kaylin some chalk too...looks like a lot of fun!

  2. How fun! Gavin is too cute. I love the picture of him checking out the chalk on his jacket.
