Today is Easter Sunday! Gavin woke up to a HUGE Easter basket in the living room…filled with tons of toys and snacks. Gavin could care less about the toys, he only wanted the snacks and candy, go figure! After eating his prizes, he and Ma played with the toys. Thank you Grandma for the great Easter basket!
In the afternoon after naps, all the cousins had an Easter egg hunt! We were so happy that it was NOT raining (As it had been ever since we arrived). Grandma had about 100 eggs filled with treats and toys…for THREE kids! Oh my it was soo much! Right as the hunt started Gavin found his first egg, opened it, ate what was inside, and then threw the empty egg on the ground. He proceeded to do this with about 10 more eggs….and this was right before dinner! Even though he ate a ton of treats, he still ate a great Easter dinner of ham, turkey, sweet potatoes, and cranberries. I think Griffin got the most eggs as he really understood the concept. He even went inside and opened each one with his great Grandpa to see all the stuff he got:)
What happened after dinner? MORE treats! Griff, Gav and Annabel got an Easter cupcake! They devoured them, and of course Gavin wanted more. It was right then that I knew when we got back to California he would have to go through a sugar detox!
After dinner Gavin got to help change baby Noah’s diaper. He was so cute, asking if he had “pee” or “pooooo” and wanted to help do everything. He sure loves his baby!
Already Gavin has had a TON of new words. I cannot think of them all but some of them include “Buueettt” (bullet), “Suugar” (sugar), “Ahh-Bow” (Annabel), and a ton more. He has turned into a parrot. He will say WHATEVER you say, so watch out! Lots of his new words include “Geez”, “Gosh”, and “Darn” J REALLY need to pay attention to what we say!
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