Thursday, April 14, 2011

{Gavin 20 Months}

Dear Gavin,

Or should I call you your nicknames. MonkeyFace. BoogerButt. BoogerFace. LilMan. Bubba. Buddy. Gavy. GMan. LoveBug. Snuggler. Sneaky. Smartiepants. Trickster.

I think there are probably a lot more too. 20 months ago you were born, and that is crazy to me. Whats even more crazy is that you will be 2 this summer. The time flies so fast.

Your Dad and I are really loving this phase of your life. You are such a fun age, and you really love life. All the time you are as happy as can be. You are only unhappy when you are sick, and thankfully that is not very often. Always a smile to greet us in the morning, and always a million laughs a day.

You are a very social toddler. You love to people watch, and interact. You know that everyone who meets you will tell you just how cute you are, and you are such a flirt. You are so sweet to others, and you will generally give anyone a hug.

You have taken a very big interest in feeding others. You love to give us bites of your food and you always feed your friends. Food makes you pretty happy, so we guess you assume it makes everyone happy:) Your appetite is quite big, and you are not that picky. The things you do not prefer to eat are green veggies. Not a big fan. Everything else? You like. Some things you love? Pastas, grains, milk, cheese, meat, fish, yams, ANY fruit, and ANY sweets. Just like your momma, love your sweets. You are too heavy for me to carry around you do lots of walking whether you like it or not:)

Some of your favorite activities to do lately? Most of them involve being outside, this is where you are in heaven. Any time you are outside, you are happy. This past week you helped your Dad plant the summer garden. You help dig, plant, and everything in between. You know what each garden tool is for, and you carry them all to the place where they belong. You also love to do yard work with Dad. OK, I think you pretty much love to do ANYthing with your Dada. You look for him when he is not home, and you are so excited when he gets home from work. We are so lucky that we got to spend the entire week with dad since he is off work for spring break! What a fun week!

Another new for you this prefer your DAD to put you down for naps! It is usually me, but since Dad has been off work, you prefer him, SO CUTE! Watching you and your Dad together makes me so happy...he is so patient with you, and gives you 100% of his attention, all the time. It truly is so sweet.

We leave for Ohio in a week, and we are getting soo excited! Of course we are always sad to leave Dada and Ma, but hopefully we can do lots of phone calls and some skype:)

Happy 20 months little man, Mama and Dada LOVE you so very much.

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