Monday, November 28, 2011

Mr Smarty Pants

Some Gavin phrases I don't want to forget:
-That be fun!
-Davin a tough little man.
-That's probably good.
-That's probably better.

We knew that it was just a matter of time before G realized that he could leave his big boy bed, and leave his room on his own! Every morning, he wakes up, and goes to get daddy to wake up. Most days Daddy is already up, but they will snuggle together, and then have their morning time together...iPad and making breakfast together. BUT while he gets out of bed in the AM, he has yet to escape any other time....until a few days ago!

This past week, when he was sick, it came true! It was totally my fault. I laid down with him a few nights when he was sick...he was coughing a lot, and I never like to be too far from him when he is sick and hurting. I ended up falling asleep in his bed with him (Who wouldn't??? Its so warm and comfy!) Well, when he woke up 10 minutes later, he came out to "get me" to come back with him. Poor I did a few nights. Well we all know a few times can turn into a toddlers we had to break that habit!

He was getting better with his sinus infection, and I knew I better be firm with him about me NOT being able to sleep with him. He came out to get me a few times, and each time I put him back and explained that I could not sleep with him, I could only sing him one song, and then I had to leave. I did this a few times, and then he was out. The last thing we want is our (over) two year old needing US to be there to fall asleep...we will have a little baby here soon who WILL need us! So far so good...every night right after I sing our songs, and I say I am leaving, he will tell me "In morning go get donuts???" Hahaha I have NO idea where he got that idea! NOT! He knows I love donuts, and he has picked up my love for sweets:)

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