Sunday, August 10, 2014

{Austin 30 Months}

Dear Austin,

Another month passes. You continue to be so so much fun. Every day you say something new, and make us so proud.

You are very busy in these summer days. You are just so easy going. You never fuss or whine about doing things. You say "OK!" really loud and then you are off!

You help me with cooking, cleaning, and getting dressed/shoes on. You brush your own teeth, and you can play for long periods of time by yourself. You love to entertain yourself with trains or cars.

You are sleeping and eating beautifully, and there is nothing to say there!

We are just enjoying these days of unscheduled summertime. Each day is new, and each day we have tons of fun. When you are older, I will really miss these days. I hope I can come back and read this to remember how much fun we had. YOU are my sunshine Austie!

Love you-

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