Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Moore Family Christmas 2014

We had a very nice afternoon and evening at Ma & Papa's house! Gerald, Wendell, Auntie Winnie, Uncle Glenn, and Aunt Mary all came over, and the boys were in heaven entertaining all the adults. Gavin and Austin both told them all about Christmas and then put on shows for them. 

Of course opening presents was so much fun...especially since there were only two kids, and a thousand presents between them! Gavin and Austin got some really neat Planes Fire & Rescue planes, and a ton of other awesome gifts. Thank you Ma & Papa!!!

I managed to talk everyone into "going out in the cold" to take some pictures. Yep, it was probably like 55 degrees, but chilly for us;)

We used the tripod, and Gavin took some pictures too. He liked to set us up, and tell us where to look and to smile. Hmmm...Maybe we take too many pictures of him?!?

Austin was a complete ham the entire night. Letting everyone hold him and play with him. Showing off, running around, so happy. Gavin was thrilled to have a bunch of new planes, and could not stop playing. When we got in the car to go home, Gavin's exact words were "This was the BEST Christmas EVER!"

Merry Christmas 2014!

The boys woke us up at 6am sharp to start the day! We opened all our presents, had them assembled, and we were on our bikes testing them out by 9am!!!

Gavin was thrilled to get his razor bike, firefighter backpack, kinetic sand, hot wheels racetrack. Austin was beside himself about his blue Mater, hot wheels racetrack, and firefighter outfit. 

Daddy and Mommy really liked our new down comforter and mugs that that boys made us!

It was a nice sunny day, so we biked around the neighborhood and had a nice lunch by the fire:) 

Gavin also tested out his new juicer, and made us all spinach, carrot, apple, grape, pear, and lime juice. Not bad at all!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Storm in California

On the news, it said that we needed to prepare for a big storm. We didn't prepare, as this is all we got. Rain, lots of rain! We played outside during most of the "big storm" and when it was over, we had huge puddles to finally stomp in. Thank you rain!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Santa 2014

Gavin was thrilled to see Santa. Austin? Not so much. Gavin asked santa for a new razor bike and whatever else Santa wanted to get him. Yep, a 5 year old who only asked for one thing! 

Austin asked for a blue Mater truck. Austin would not get near Santa so we helped him out. We hope he does not hold this against us one day!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

{Gavin 64 Months}

Dear Gavin,

You are counting the days until you are 5 and a half...why? Because you get to celebrate your 1/2 birthday at school with all your friends! You can't wait.

You are super buys these days. School every day, playdates, park dates, and LOTS of cooking and crafts. You make crafts almost every morning, you are giving Teacher Jennifer something every day!

You are still our great sleeper, great eater, and boy are you getting big! Size 6T everything, and size 13 shoe. I feel like I might blink and you will be 6 feet tall!

You have been helping us a lot lately with trying to teach Austin things. You are so patient with him, and he looks up to you so much. You guys have your share of fighting, but for the most part, you are best buds. Thank you for being the worlds best big brother!

Love you Gavie!


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

{Austin 34 Months}

Dear Austin,

I still can't believe that in just a few short months you will be three. My BABY will be THREE! How? This can't be!!!

You are really outgrowing your twos pretty quickly. You are not really into throwing tantrums much anymore, and are pretty cooperative. Most of the time. We think you act like a 5 year old, because you spend 99% of your time with one! You will tell everyone that your best friends are Gavin's 5yr old friends. To be honest, they are all so sweet to you and play with you all the time, that it makes total sense.

You are into firetrucks, fires, doctors, construction, trains, water/soap, dirt/sand, and riding your balance bike. You can usually be found playing outside, and you love to cook in the outdoor kitchen.

You talk talk talk all day long. It seems like a billion years ago that you were not talking much, and I forget what those days are like! You don't stop from 6am to 8pm. Singing songs, repeating us, and mostly repeating your brother.

You are loving Mountain School on Friday's, and you are usually so busy that I don't see you much. You stopped going to Mulberry School on Tuesday/Thursday because you were not really enjoying it very much...and you especially HATED to go there without we decided that one school is enough for you!

We spend the entire week doing fun things in the mornings while G is at school. Lots of museums, parks, zoo, and playdates. You are also pretty happy going to the grocery with me once a week. You do ALL the shopping, and push your own cart around.

You are still a great sleeper. You go to bed at 8pm and get up at 6am. You take a 2-4hr nap every day in your bed! You just had a bad cold for a week, so I slept with you, and boy oh boy did you love that! Now that you are not sick, you don't ask me to anymore;)

You are in six 3T, 4 diapers, and size 10 shoes. You weigh around 30 pounds? You feel a LOT heavier to me!

You are saying the funniest things. You love to pretend play, and we are always laughing with you.

We love you Austie!

Momma & Daddy

Friday, December 5, 2014

Mr. Personality Austin

Loves to play dress-up. Loves to cook. Loves to throw tantrums. Loves to hug and kiss. Loves to imitate his brother. Loves to repeat what we say. Loves to snuggle the kitty. Loves to play in the dirt. Loves to take baths. Loves to sleep. Loves to watch Curious George. Loves to sing songs. Loves to play at Mountain School!

Austin does Mountain School in the RAIN!

Gavin the Giver

I don't talk about this much, but its something that I needed to include in here. Gavin is such a giver, and always has been. He always has ideas about making things for people, and LOVES to see their fave when he gives them something. He is making his friends and his teacher something it seems like every single day. 

Last week at school, he made a book that he wanted to share with everyone. After he got to read it to the class, he got to run a "center" and call each classmate one by one to read his book with him. He even checked their name off the roster that Teacher Jennifer gave him. He was being a teacher, and SO happy. 

During the time he was reading the book to his buddies, he asked me to take a picture of him with each of them. Why? He is making "Christmas present projects" at home...presents for each of his classmates and ornament with their picture on it. Totally his idea about it all.  I am just the photographer and helper to put them together. :) 

I am just so in love with the fact that he loves to give. It is who he is, and he is so genuine. Makes me smile all the time.