Sunday, December 14, 2014

{Gavin 64 Months}

Dear Gavin,

You are counting the days until you are 5 and a half...why? Because you get to celebrate your 1/2 birthday at school with all your friends! You can't wait.

You are super buys these days. School every day, playdates, park dates, and LOTS of cooking and crafts. You make crafts almost every morning, you are giving Teacher Jennifer something every day!

You are still our great sleeper, great eater, and boy are you getting big! Size 6T everything, and size 13 shoe. I feel like I might blink and you will be 6 feet tall!

You have been helping us a lot lately with trying to teach Austin things. You are so patient with him, and he looks up to you so much. You guys have your share of fighting, but for the most part, you are best buds. Thank you for being the worlds best big brother!

Love you Gavie!


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