Thursday, December 10, 2015

{Austin 46 Months)

Dear Austie,

Yet another month passed by. I don't even understand how you have grown up so much, but you have. You are so tall. So smart. So happy and full of entertainment ALL the time. You know that you are the life of the party, and you shine!

You can be found cooking, playing fireman, reading books, playing iPad, and playing outside all the time. You love school, and are so busy there. You love to snuggle at bedtime and beg me to "sleep for me for long time" every. single. night. I always lay with you for a bit. Its my favorite.

You are not very interested in writing your name, or writing anything actually. You could care less about learning letters and such. Oh boy, we have some work to do next year! For now, you shall play!

You are in 4T cloths, diaper while sleeping, and size 12 shoes. Thats the average shoe size of a 6yr old. You are three. We KNOW you will be tall!



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