Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Its hard to live by these rules!

Ever since the first day I learned I was pregnant I have been trying to "follow the rules" that are out there for pregnant women. Being a pediatric nurse I know may things that I should and should not do while pregnant...I have seen very sick babies born from mothers who were addicted to drugs and alcohol. I have also seen very sick babies who were born from mothers who did everything right. Some things are not up to us, and only to God. I know that even when you do everything perfectly, things can go wrong. So I have been trying to do everything I can to "follow the rules" and hope for the best. Some of the food rules are driving me crazy....like the fact that I cannot eat:
1. Lunch meat esp. turkey
2. Hot dogs (OK I don't eat them often, but they sound so good right now!)
3. Soft cheese
4. Coffee
6. Cookie dough (raw eggs)

 All the other "Pregnancy rules" have not bothered me that much and to be honest some of them are nice, Like:
1. Can't change the cat litter:)
2. Really should not be lifting heavy things
3. Sleeping in is much needed
4. Excuse for falling asleep at 9pm
5. Being able to take extra little breaks at work to eat and drink 
6. Eating non-stop all day:)

I have been trying my best to eat well...but sometimes salty french fries sound so good. So I have been giving in to my cravings and then leaving some room for something healthy. So if I eat some fries, I will follow it with and orange! I have been really slacking in a gym department, OK I have not gone at all the past few months! My favorite class at the gym is a weight lifting class, and guess what---I am not supposed to lift weights. This is the worst excuse I have ever given for not going to the gym because there other things I can do there;) So I have been trying to go for walks and that has been successful. Even if my walk is at the mall, it is still a walk! I will try my best to do everything I am supposed to do, and if I slip a little, I will try not to lose any sleep:)   

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