Friday, February 27, 2009

Week 15 and Baby Apple

No, apple is not a name, just the size of the baby this week! I am now in week 15 and feeling pretty good! Last night was the first time in a long time that I cooked a big dinner and was able to eat it too! There are still some foods that just sound gross, but for the most part I am able to eat mostly everything! (I made a Thanksgiving dinner last night because I was craving was the first Turkey I have ever made and it turned out pretty good!) I have still only gained three pounds total and I am starting to wonder where all this food is going! I have never really tried to gain or lose weight in the past and now that I am supposed to be gaining it, I am finding it kinda hard! (I know, I know, I am sure it will all start to happen and then I will regret saying this) I guess I am just confused because I am eating so much! I know that gaining weight in the first trimester is not that important, and most people don't gain anything. Now that I am in my second trimester I am supposed to be gaining 1-2 pounds per week...eek! I guess I will try to eat more protein!

I have my 16 week appointment Monday and I am excited to hear the heartbeat! I do not think we will be doing an ultrasound unless the MD wants to, but that's OK with me. 4 weeks from Monday we will have the 20 week appointment and find out if baby Moore is a boy or girl!!!

I was talking on the phone with Erica today and she asked me when we were going to register for baby stuff...I guess I thought we would wait until we know the sex of the baby, but really that does not matter. We plan to get mostly everything that is gender neutral so we can use it for our other children. So Erica brought up a good point...."Just do it now" she said. I guess since I am almost 4 months pregnant we should start thinking about the things we need. Thank God I have Erica to ask and she has been through all this. She can tell me what we need and don't need. Babies R Us is a VERY overwhelming place to me because there is SO much baby stuff and I feel like a lot of it is unnecessary! I know the basics are nice to have but there is so much out there and according to the people there you "Must have" 15 different contraptions to hold/swing/glide the baby. You must have 5 different car seats and 3 different strollers. You must have 3 different baby slings for different occasions. You must have 4 different places for baby to sleep....Yikes baby stuff! Babies R Us is where we will register because it is across the country and mostly everything is online...While I do love some things at Pottery Barn, they don't have nearly as much and its kinda pricey (I can't justify spending more on a baby crib than my own bed!) So now the journey of baby stuff begins...Any recommendations are welcome!

Baby Development This Week:
Baby is moving amniotic fluid through the nose and respiratory tract, which is helping the lungs develop. Baby can now sense light-although eyelids are still fused shut. Taste buds are forming. If we DID have an ultrasound we may be able to see if baby is a boy or girl...I guess we have to be patient!

1 comment:

  1. Baby Moore, here comes some Skyline and some tunes to groove to!
