Friday, August 28, 2009

His own bed:)

Gavin has been sleeping in his bassinet by our bed at night...but today he had his first nap in his crib in the nursery:)

Today Grandma set up Gavin's aquarium in his has music and lights and bubbles...Gavin just stared at it for over 20 minutes! Then he fell asleep just lying there...such a good boy! He is seriously such a sweet easygoing (Just like his Dad:)

Today is also Patrick's birthday...HAPPY BDAY PAT! We can't wait for you to meet Gavin:)

{Gavin 2 Weeks}

Today is Gavin's 2 week birthday and we had a nice dinner last night to celebrate:) Grandma Podie made a very very yummy dinner and we had Grandma Dayle over as well...and she brought a "2 week old birthday cake!"

Gavin is very spoiled by both of his Grandma's:)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Labor & Delivery

OK, here is the story about how Gavin was brought into this world...I really wanted to write this down so that I have it in this journal, so if you don't want to hear a L&D story then I suggest you skip this post!

It started Thursday morning when I had a routine appointment with Dr. Jaki. She checked my cervix and I was 4cm dilated. She asked me if I wanted her to "stir things up" meaning strip my membranes, and I said of course. I was ready! So she did and we left! We continued our day with some shopping and lunch at Dayle's...and I started to get pretty uncomfortable. By the end of the day I was feeling the contractions a lot more than normal, but still not "painful." We ordered Pizza Hut for dinner and I had about 5 pieces of pizza...and then it began! About 8pm Thursday night I was having stronger contractions but not painful enough to go to the hospital. So I just waited and waited and they did not go away...they got so strong that at 7am Derek was up and packing all the stuff to head to the hospital. I decided to take a shower to feel better and the contractions went away! Ha, like the previous 2 months, they always went away, so I thought this was yet another false alarm. I got up, ate breakfast and told Derek he could go to the gym because I felt fine...about 10 minutes after he left for the gym, BOOM the contractions were back and they HURT! Of course, right when I tell Derek I am fine, I need him back ASAP! So he comes back and we head to the hospital.

As soon as we get there they put the monitors on me and baby and the contractions are coming every 4-5 minutes. The nurse asks me if I want an epidural and I tell her "yes, eventually when things are too painful" HA! About 3 contractions later I am calling her to tell her that its time, and I would like that epidural! So the anesthesiologist comes in and puts in the epidural...not painful at all, and like that my legs are I wait for my abdomen to become numb as well so I will stop feeling the contractions...and that never happens! We wait and wait and the numbness never reaches past my thighs...and of course the anesthesiologist uses the "Hmm this is really rare and never happens" speech (which I have heard before) and he decides to take it out and put in a new one. I tell him "Whatever, just do what you need to do to get me some pain relief!" So he puts in a new one and it works for an hour and a half...It was a great hour and a half with contractions that I did not feel!

Next the Doctor comes in to break my water in hopes to speed things up. She does and she also starts some Pitocin to speed up the contractions that had slowed down. All of the sudden I start to feel my contractions again...then I start to feel my thighs...then I start to feel my feet! SERIOUSLY the second epidural has completely worn the anesthesiologist gives me a bolus does of medication and turns up the epidural as high as it goes. Nothing. Absolutely no pain relief and I can move my feet...felt like I could get up and walk! OK. Now the doctors are starting to scratch their heads because "This never happens, and its really rare, less than 10 percent of the time." Blah blah blah, again I have heard that before (The cyst found at 2o weeks and the preterm labor) So I just realize that I am going to do this without pain relief...and I will call is natural because I felt EVERYTHING!

From this point on things get a little blurry...I remember with each contraction I would squeeze Derek's hand and cry...and eventually it would be over and I could focus. Derek was amazing. He held my hand and kept telling me I was doing a great job...and believe me that's all I needed to hear at that time...I didn't want any massages, or any pep talk. Just needed to hear that I was doing great.

At around 4pm they checked my cervix and I was was time to push. For an hour and 50 minutes I pushed and pushed. It seemed like the contractions were every minute and I needed to push with every one! Derek was the counter and he would count to 10, three times with each contraction and I was really focused on his voice. I know that there would be something I needed to focus on, and that was it. His counting was my focus. He held my right leg, Mom held my left leg, and Dayle held my head. Those 2 hours seemed like forever, but finally at 6:10 pm Gavin was born!!!

Once his head was out I looked down and saw how HUGE it was! Then one more push for the shoulders (OUCH!) and he was out! The first thing that the Dr. said was "Hes so big!!!" and I looked at him and thought there was no way that was my baby! He looked like he was a month old already! The doctor put him on my chest and he let out his first cry...such an amazing sound! He was healthy and that's all that mattered!

All the pain that I went through has escaped my memory...I really don't remember it because it is all worth it! Gavin Donovan Moore is perfect...nothing better than that!

Gavin Update

OK, I know I have not been posting that much in the past week...but I have been pretty busy with my little man! Boy is he a lot of work;) He is such a great baby, all he ever complains about is wanting to eat! He has one cry...his "hangry" cry as daddy calls it...meaning he is hungry/angry! Other than that he loves to have his awake time in the mornings and afternoons with grandma while mommy rests. He sits in his chair and he loves to listen to grandma talk and sing...Grandma has been SUCH an amazing help to all of us, and I already get sad thinking about when she will be gone.

Gavin has been pretty consistent with his eating schedule, he HAS to eat every 2 hours. Every once in a while he will make it every three hours, but for the most part its every 2. I seem to be making enough milk to satisfy him, as long as I feed him ON THE DOT! He wakes up and needs to eat that minute! Ha!

By far the funniest thing that Gavin does is poop! I know, sounds nice huh?!? But really its so funny to hear him grunt like a little old man right before he goes potty...never thought that I would think this was so funny!!!(I also think it makes me feel better knowing I am feeding him enough:)

Overall Gavin is a pretty good baby...he loves to be held and snuggle with mom and dad in bed, loves to eat, loves to be put down while he is awake, and he sure loves his grandma taking such good care of him!

We took Gavin to his pediatrician last Wednesday and met Dr. Copeland. She seems like a great doctor and we were really pleased with her and the office. She said that Gavin was "perfect" and wanted to see him again at week 2. Gavin was 8 pounds 12 ounces at birth...went down to 8 pounds 3 ounces on the day we were discharged...and at his doctor appointment he was 8 pounds 4 that was good that he was starting to go back up in weight. Everything else was good and she said he looked great. We have another appointment next Monday, so we will see how much weight he has gained now! (It seems like it should be a lot to me because he eats ALL the time!)

Gavin has his second outing yesterday to the car wash! Grandma and I took Gavin to to get an oil change, gas, and car wash! He of course slept the entire time, and really loves to be in the car!

Ahh I am in love with this little man:)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Gavin's Second week Pics:)

We have been home for 2 weeks with this little man, and he is so amazing. He is such a good baby, and all he does is eat, sleep, poop, and do it all over again. We are in love.

Monday, August 17, 2009

First Week Home

He is such a sweet baby...
The flowers Grandma had waiting when we got home from the hospital:)
The flowers Daddy got Mommy:)
Gavin's first "bath"

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009

Gavin's Birth

Gavin Donovan Moore was born at 6:10pm on 8/14/09! He weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces and was 20 inches long:)

Baby Boy Moore is HERE!!!

Gavin Donovan Moore was born on 8/14/2009 at 6:10pm. He was 8 pounds 12 ounces and 20 inches long:) More updates to come soon:)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

2 trips to L&D

Oh Baby Moore...He is just making us work so hard! Yesterday Mom and I went to Dayle's house to go swimming and relax...and first we went out to lunch. I had not felt little baby move very much all morning and at all after lunch. So I waited and ate some candy...still nothing. I was really nervous so I called Dr. Jaki. She told me to go to L & D to just make sure the heartbeat was OK. So we went and they put me on the monitor to hear his heartbeat. Everything sounded great...I was contracting every 3 minutes, but that's not new!!! SO just when we thought it was OK and we would leave, they took my blood pressure and it was pretty high...160's over 90's and for me (or any person) that is too high. So we waited....and waited....and it remained high. So they did some blood work to make sure that everything looked OK. All the blood work came back within normal limits, so that was very reassuring. Then after a little while longer my blood pressure came down enough for them to send me home! Sheesh, what a day.

We went to L & D again this morning because they wanted me to follow-up with a non-stress test (For movement, HR, Contractions) and a blood pressure check. Everything was normal, and my blood pressure was down...still a little elevated for me, but an OK number. SO we left and hopefully don't need to go back until the big day!

All I know is that I LOVE my doctor and the nurses at the hospital. They are great. I was in and out pretty fast, they are very thorough, and very nice and helpful. There is nothing like hearing the babies heartbeat on the monitor...such a nice sound:)

Still 3cm, 70% Effaced, and contracting all the time. Poor Mom, she saw the monitor with the contractions and was so excited to see them all...then I had to explain that they meant nothing because it has been happening for the past 2 months;)

So we wait! We have 39 week appointment tomorrow morning...hopefully have some updates!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Saturday, August 8, 2009

38 Weeks

Today I am 38 weeks pregnant! This is the best I have felt in a really long time. (Physically and emotionally) I have been doing so much lately and feel so good about it. My Mom got here Monday and ever since we have been having so much fun:) I am really able to relax because the baby could come any day and he would be fine!

I am back to doing every thing normally...we go shopping, out to eat, and I am able to do it most of the time without needing to sit. I am able to clean and cook again...and even do laundry! (I actually like doing laundry:) Mom has kept me pretty busy and I think I need it! It is really so nice to have her here with me, we are able to do so much together and I really miss that. We even were able to go to about 20 garage sales yesterday! Today we went to the Great Mall in Milpitas to meet Dayle, Virgil, Marisa, Pam and kids for dim sum! After brunch we walked around the mall and it was the most walking I have done in a LONG time! Everything seems like it is back to normal and now I am just enjoying each and every day of the end of this pregnancy...It really is fun to be pregnant and I am finally able to remember this again.

Went to the doctor Friday and had a really good appointment. I am up 2 pounds again...thought I was done gaining all that weight;) I am 3cm dilated and 70% effaced. Baby still measures big, maybe somewhere around 8.5 pounds....but that's just a guess! We talked about inducing labor if he starts to get too big...but at this point hes not "too big" and I would like to wait for things to happen on their own. She says that I am a "favorable" candidate for induction because I am already effaced and she thinks an induction would work out, if that would be what I wanted. At this point I am not miserable with contractions (I am finally OK with the constant ones because now I WANT them to start labor!) Dr. Jaki scheduled me to have an induction on 8/20 just in case its what we want because it is only 1 day prior to my due until then we will wait and enjoy things as much as we can!

Baby Development This Week:
Baby is done developing and is now just "practicing" breathing for when he comes out. He is somewhere between 7-8 pounds? The size of a leek!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

37 Week Belly Shots

Beware, these are some serious 9.5 month pregnant belly pictures! I really don't feel as HUGE as I look, but I guess I am:)

Here is Mom and I comparing bellies;) (After a long fun filled day of pedicures, shopping and hanging out:)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Finally Here!

Today I am officially 37 weeks pregnant and considered FULL TERM! The time is finally here and I am so excited! If I went into labor now, the baby would be just fine and be a nice healthy weight:)

Now that this pregnancy is reaching the end, I am realizing that I am really having a baby! It has really not hit me yet, and I know it probably won't until I am holding him in my arms. This entire pregnancy I have thought about what the labor will be like and what may happen...but I have not pictured myself as the one in labor! I am realizing that it will be me, and I will have to go through labor to get this baby! Ah, a little scary! I wonder how I will do with the pain...I just hope that the epidural works like it should!

Baby Moore does have a name...and we will announce it when he is here! Sorry, No hints!

This little guy has been moving around just the same, and continues to kick and push on my ribs. I read that soon he should "drop" and I will feel him less in my ribs...well that has definitely not happened yet! The other day when he was kicking my side like a soccer ball, I could actually see his little foot! I kept thinking there is no way that I see the outline of a foot, but it really was! I am pretty sure I could tell where the toes were too! It is so amazing, I can't believe that there is a little baby in me just ready to come out!

On Monday night Derek and Dayle went to the hospital to take an infant/child CPR class:) I thought it was a good idea that all of us who will be taking care of the baby are trained in CPR...It is a very important skill to have!

Yesterday I had my 37 week appointment and it was the best appointment yet. My weight has not changed since last week which was nice because I had gained so much last week! My GBS test came back negative, which means I will not need antibiotics during labor, so that was good news too! Next Dr. Jaki measured my belly and it measured 41cm, which is nice and big;) When she was feeling the baby to make sure the head was down, she mentioned that she thought he felt kind of "big." So then she brought in the ultrasound machine so we could take a look at the baby. Right away when she measured his head she told us that it measured big and he might be a big baby! After she took all the other measurements she gave us a "projected" weight of the baby......8 POUNDS!!!! I laughed and said "Oh, you mean he may weigh 8 pounds when he is full term???" She said "No, that's about what he weighs now!" Ack! I could not believe that she just told me this!!! I was nervous but thrilled!!! Sounds huge, but that's what we have been hoping for all along! When all this started we were hoping to make it to a point that the baby was a healthy he really is! I was so relieved and happy. Then Dr. Jaki checked my cervix and told me I was around 2-3cm dilated and 70% effaced! She also said that I am "free" from bedrest and I can do whatever I want now:)

Mom will be here in just 2 short days!!! She gets in on Monday night and I am so excited to see her:)

Baby Development This Week:
Baby Moore is now the size of swiss chard;) He is "Full Term" and should do just fine if born now! His lungs are mature and his body is almost as big as it will get! Dr. estimates Baby Moore is around 8 pounds now!