Saturday, August 8, 2009

38 Weeks

Today I am 38 weeks pregnant! This is the best I have felt in a really long time. (Physically and emotionally) I have been doing so much lately and feel so good about it. My Mom got here Monday and ever since we have been having so much fun:) I am really able to relax because the baby could come any day and he would be fine!

I am back to doing every thing normally...we go shopping, out to eat, and I am able to do it most of the time without needing to sit. I am able to clean and cook again...and even do laundry! (I actually like doing laundry:) Mom has kept me pretty busy and I think I need it! It is really so nice to have her here with me, we are able to do so much together and I really miss that. We even were able to go to about 20 garage sales yesterday! Today we went to the Great Mall in Milpitas to meet Dayle, Virgil, Marisa, Pam and kids for dim sum! After brunch we walked around the mall and it was the most walking I have done in a LONG time! Everything seems like it is back to normal and now I am just enjoying each and every day of the end of this pregnancy...It really is fun to be pregnant and I am finally able to remember this again.

Went to the doctor Friday and had a really good appointment. I am up 2 pounds again...thought I was done gaining all that weight;) I am 3cm dilated and 70% effaced. Baby still measures big, maybe somewhere around 8.5 pounds....but that's just a guess! We talked about inducing labor if he starts to get too big...but at this point hes not "too big" and I would like to wait for things to happen on their own. She says that I am a "favorable" candidate for induction because I am already effaced and she thinks an induction would work out, if that would be what I wanted. At this point I am not miserable with contractions (I am finally OK with the constant ones because now I WANT them to start labor!) Dr. Jaki scheduled me to have an induction on 8/20 just in case its what we want because it is only 1 day prior to my due until then we will wait and enjoy things as much as we can!

Baby Development This Week:
Baby is done developing and is now just "practicing" breathing for when he comes out. He is somewhere between 7-8 pounds? The size of a leek!

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