Today Gavin and I went to a Halloween playdate with all the babies and mommas from my mom's group. All the kids were so cute all dressed up...and little Patrick was dressed as a monkey just like G:)
Gavin was immediately in absolute heaven when we got there....there was an entire table of snacks for the kids. I swear the child acts like he is STARVING whenever he see's food while we are out. (let me remind you that he just ate an entire pear in the car on the way was only 10:30am and he had already had 1 meal and 10 snacks at home...) He is totally obsessed with anyone elses food, and is such a mooch. He will stand right next to you, stare at your food, and say "ohhhh, ohhhhh, OHHHH!" until it is in his mouth.
After he devoured a few plates of snacks, he played with all of his friends, and then we tried to get a group pic of the kiddos. HAHAHA, this was funny! There were 14 toddlers, and we tried our best to get them to all sit on the couch. The pics are of the last remaining kids that would sit. About 3 or 4 threw total tantrums, and jumped off the couch. Gavin heard them cry, and the waterworks started. I have no idea why, maybe just following the crowd? He was just crying (total fake cry) and staring right at me. Such a little faker! We ended up getting a shot with us all at the end...probably because all the kids were so full from eating a pound of dry fruit and goldfish!
I can't believe how different holidays are now that I have a baby. Ahem, I mean toddler. Halloween used to just be another day, I usually would even volunteer to work on Halloween so that the other nurses with kids could be home with them. Now, it is so much fun! The last time I remember Halloween being fun was when I was little. Holidays are taking on a whole new meaning now, and we have been having so much fun with Gavin. He is such a happy little guy and just loves to be out seeing and doing new things. Can't wait for this winter:)
looks like SO much fun...although I bet the moms were exhausted after...haha! all the kids look so cute!