Sunday, December 30, 2012

December iPhone pics

Super Sick

For the second time in a few weeks I got mastitis again. I have been super sick for almost 4 days, and on antibiotics (saw MD, she did blood work too). The first two days I was in bed, with 104 degree fevers. It was terrible. I almost drove to the hospital numerous times, but in the end, didn't want some idiot ER resident touching me. Plus I could not even get out of bed, so driving was not a good idea, and I didn't want to trouble anyone to come watch the kids so D could take me---basically I was being stubborn. I probably should have though bc I still feel pretty horrible, so I am headed back to the doctor tomorrow (Happy Birthday!), so she can do an ultrasound on my breast to see if it turned into a mastitis abscess. SICK! and OUCH! That means one thing. It will need to be drained. Good God, sounds painful, but seeing that I am STILL having fevers, and in so much pain, anything can be better. Wish me luck.

Breastfeeding is worth it. I have to keep telling myself this over and over.


Tiny Dancer & Big Eater!

Oh Austin. I just wanted to write down how much you love to dance these days! Anytime music comes on, you will sit down, and dance! Any kind of music. From the radio, from toys, and from TV. You just love music. When you see us walking towards the blue radio, you start to dance before it is even on. Its so so cute! You sure are our little dancer. I just signed us up for a Music Together class, so you and brother can take a music class together....I think you will just love it! 

You are also madly in love with food these days. You eat more than your brother for sure, and sometimes we actually stop you! For example, here is what you ate for breakfast the other day: about 8-10 steamed baby carrots, handful of blueberries, handful of raspberries, scrambled egg, 2 slices of cheese, half banana, 2 black olives, slice of ham, cup of water, 1/2 slice of toast, 5 bites of swiss chard tart, and probably 1/4 of my huge cup of kale smoothie. That's when I stopped was so so much! As shocking as it is sometimes, we are so glad that you can eat anything and everything, and love food so much. 

I probably should not admit this on the blog, but it was so funny. Last night we went to the Holiday lights drive through at Lake Vasona, and afterwards they give you a mini candy cane. You were not happy about being in your seat, so I gave you one. You sucked it, and then bit a huge bite off. I was a little worried at first, because I didn't think a baby could manage a candy cane, but I gave you a minute to see what you did. Sure enough, you chewed the candy cane up with your front teeth! You have 6 of them, and they did the trick! You ate the entire candy cane, no problem. (I probably just gave Mom and Erica a heart attack!)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

First worm house & first chocolate chip cookie!

OK here is the thing. Gavin was just so excited to get his real tools for Christmas. He wanted them in the worst way, and he wanted to build things. with real wood and real nails. He could not wait. He originally wanted to build a "dog house" with daddy. After a bit, we convinced him that maybe a smaller house would be better, maybe for a mouse or something, since we don't have a dog. He then said, "Well, we don't have a mouse either!!!! BUT we DO HAVE WORMS!!!!" Oh. My. God. I had to try hard not to laugh. So, then and there we decided to build a WORM HOUSE! Gav was able to find enough scrap wood to make the house. They sawed the wood, and then nailed it together. Gavin did all the nails himself. There are probably about 50 nails in it, but he did it. Then he filled it with dirt, and went on a worm hunt. He found some worms and put them inside with the dirt. After a few hours, he said that the house needed to be painted. So the boys headed to HD to get some things for the house and paint. G picked out the color, some shade of blue, and was thrilled to paint the worm house. Oh, and I must add that the worm house comes everywhere with us. It rides in the back of the van, so he can show everyone. ;)

The day after Christmas we also had Ma, Papa, and Aunt Winnie over for Skyline! Derek knew how much I missed the Cincinnati day after Christmas Skyline tradition, so he made a TON of skyline. After dinner Austin got his first Chocolate Chip cookie! He loved it, and ate the whole thing. 

After dinner Gavin and Aunt Winnie looked at pictures was so cute to see them laughing with each other:)

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day

The Moore Family Christmas was a lot of fun. We had lunch, opened gifts, the boys took a nap, and then we had a nice dinner and more gifts. Gavin got a new camping set (SO much fun. He gets to roast marshmallows and hot dogs, two of his favorite treats). The boys just got a TON of toys, and were so happy to be the center of attention. The only kids there, and they knew it! Unfortunately, I did not get many pics, I guess I forgot/was too busy! (Austin apparently doe not nap anywhere but his own bed. Put up a VERY large fight, so he ended up sleeping in my arms.)

Aunt Winnie and Austin really hit it off. He was a little scared of her loud voice at first, but then he loved her. Wherever she was he would go find her, and then crawl up to her legs and talk to her. She offered to change his diaper and get him dressed after bath time, and she was very worn out afterwards! Getting him dressed is like dressing a tornado! 

Thank you Ma and Papa for the wonderful Christmas celebration!

Merry Christmas 2012!

Merry Christmas! 

Hmm, not sure where to start here. The morning started off with baby A waking up nice and early at 6am. We played and played, and Gavin was still asleep. Finally at 7:15 (SUPER Gavin late) Gavin woke up! He ran to get us in the bedroom, and then ran to the tree to see the presents. I am not sure he was really awake, but he was so excited. He took one big look at the presents, and then looked at me and said "WOW, look at what Santa brought!!!!!" and then started to throw up! I screamed for him to run to the toilet, and he did. He proceeded to vomit in the toiled (good boy!) and then he said he was all better. His Pj's were all sweaty, so we got new ones on, and he was ready to open away! We have no idea what that was about, but he was not sick after that, and acted fine all day! Austin, Momma, and Daddy were all dressed and ready for church (going to go at 9am) but we were not sure if Gav was gonna get sick again, so we decided to stay home. The last thing we (or anyone) needed was the boys vomiting at Christmas mass! 

We opened all the presents, and I think Gavin loved it all. His favorites were his real tool set, play kitchen, bath toys, skateboard, and stamps. Austin's favorite was his new walker. He walked that thing all over the house all morning! He also loved Gavin's tools, go figure. 

Next we got ready to head to Ma and Papa's for our Moore family Christmas celebration!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve 2012

Christmas Eve was a very fun day and evening. We spent the day hanging out, and daddy and Gavin got to go to the Silver creek Sportsplex to jump in the bounce house. Austin and I stayed home so he could nap and I could get stuff done. 

We had a nice lunch, and then baked Santa his cookies. Gavin did EACH and every step, and needed "no help" of course.

We headed to Ma's house when the boys woke up from their afternoon nap, and had a very nice dinner with Ma, Papa, and Aunt Winnie. The boys even got to open a few early Christmas presents in the bath (YAY new bath toys!) 

When we got home after dinner and bath, we tried to take our annual family Christmas Eve family pic...always a nice little disaster. We never get the timer right, and then the boys were not really looking. We tried:) 

Right before bed we set out the homemade cookies Gavin made and some milk. Gavin was very worried that Santa could not get down the chimney, because we have a plastic wrap covering the opening to keep the cold air Gavin was VERY sure to remove it! We then checked on the computer to see where Santa was with the Santa Tracker. It said he was in South America, and headed up to us next. So Gavin quickly got in bed, and was asleep in minutes :)

Santa's helpers got all the presents wrapped in no time, and then had a nice relaxing evening. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas in our home

I am not sure where to start here. We have so many Christmas decorations out, and Gavin LOVES to rearrange and organize them. He has his very own tree that HE cut his bedroom. He decorated it, and he turns on the lights each day. If an ornament falls down, he knows it, and carefully puts it back.

We also made a gingerbread house the other day. He did a great job, and it was a very busy project for a few hours. When it was all finished and he told me to look, I had to bite my tongue when he told me that the back wall was decorated with candy that looks like boobies. Oh My Gosh! Are you kidding me? He is three!

Last but not least is the boys today after their haircut. Gavin wanted a picture of "just me" in front of the tree...then he agreed to let baby in, and baby wanted nothing to do with it! I guess he was mad he didn't have his santa shirt on too;)