Sunday, December 30, 2012

Super Sick

For the second time in a few weeks I got mastitis again. I have been super sick for almost 4 days, and on antibiotics (saw MD, she did blood work too). The first two days I was in bed, with 104 degree fevers. It was terrible. I almost drove to the hospital numerous times, but in the end, didn't want some idiot ER resident touching me. Plus I could not even get out of bed, so driving was not a good idea, and I didn't want to trouble anyone to come watch the kids so D could take me---basically I was being stubborn. I probably should have though bc I still feel pretty horrible, so I am headed back to the doctor tomorrow (Happy Birthday!), so she can do an ultrasound on my breast to see if it turned into a mastitis abscess. SICK! and OUCH! That means one thing. It will need to be drained. Good God, sounds painful, but seeing that I am STILL having fevers, and in so much pain, anything can be better. Wish me luck.

Breastfeeding is worth it. I have to keep telling myself this over and over.


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